[015] Clouds

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 Taehyung tsked again as he glanced down at his watch

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 Taehyung tsked again as he glanced down at his watch. He glared at the door of the aircraft. 3 hours late. He huffed out a breath and reverted to burning holes into the carpet with his eyes. He was already tired and he knew that he would hate the new captain if he didn't apologise or have a good reason for being late.

The light pinkette was in a bad mood because it was his and his boyfriend's anniversary today, but the fact that he was a flight attendant made it so he hadn't seen his boyfriend in 3 years, since high school. They still texted and called sometimes, but the pinkette obviously missed his darker pinkette boyfriend.

"When are we taking off!?", a businessman whined, setting Taehyung even more on edge.

He smiled through gritted teeth, though it didn't quite reach his eyes. "I'm sorry sir, but I'm sure the captain will be here soon."

Just as he said that he heard a squeak escape Jimin's lips. He swivelled around to find Jimin staring at someone's back. "There he is", Jimin said. "Captain Jeon Jungkook."

Taehyung choked on his own spit and that caught the captain's attention. Jungkook turned around and his breath hitched as he spotted his boyfriend, standing there, clad in a red suit with a black v-cut button-up and the younger could've sworn he melted on the inside.

Jungkook cleared his throat and fixed his black jacket and fiddled with the sleeves of his white button-up. "Uhm", he started, voice slightly hoarse. "I'm sorry I was late, I, uh, there was a lot of traffic, unfortunately, and I hope this wasn't a disturbance. I'll be heading to the cockpit now", he turned to start heading to the cockpit but turned back around and shot Taehyung a small wink.

It, however, did not go unnoticed by Jimin, who nudged his light pinkette friend. "Did you see that?", the blonde asked, wiggling his eyebrows. "He's into you. Pity you already have a boyfriend."

Taehyung only grunted, moving towards the front of the plane to take his seat during take-off. He sat down, unfortunately, in front of the whiny businessman and clasped his hands on his lap after securing his seat belt, feeling the plane take off and a proud smile overtaking his face as Jungkook manoeuvred the plane perfectly.


3 hours into their 14-hour flight, Taehyung saw Jungkook stumble out of the cockpit and began making his way to the rest of the crew at the back, but found his way blocked by the annoying businessman.

"Why don't we", the man breathed huskily. "Take this somewhere else?", he asked as he traced a pattern on Jungkook's chest with his finger.

The darker pinkette looked uncomfortable, though he couldn't really move because he was backed against an emergency door. Taehyung snapped and marched over to pair, slipping in between them due to his slim build.

"I'm going to have to ask you to step back, sir", Taehyung said as politely as he could to a man that had just tried to get with his boyfriend.

"I'm a passenger and you have no right to speak to me like that!", the man shouted, catching the attention of everyone on the flight.

"Listen here-", Taehyung started but was cut off when Jungkook grabbed onto his hips and abruptly spun him around, arms snaking around the older's waist instinctively.

"Possessive much, hm?", Jungkook asked teasingly.

"Shut up", Taehyung mumbled, leaning his head on Jungkook's chest for a moment before turning back around and facing the passenger.

"No-one", the light pinkette growled. "And I mean no-one, touches my boyfriend."

The businessman grunted and walked away while everyone else on the plane stared. Jungkook turned him back around and pressed a kiss to his ear.

"Baby", the younger hummed, leaning in to kiss him, but Taehyung softly covered his lips with his own hand, resulting in a pout from Jungkook.

"Sorry, but not in front of the kids", Taehyung smiled at the families with children who smiled back at him. "Now, let's get you your banana milk, shall we?", the older tugged on Jungkook's sleeve, who simply obliged and intertwined his fingers with Taehyung's, making the lighter pinkette flush.

They made it to the storage unit and Taehyung opened a new carton and handed it to Jungkook, who gratefully took it and immediately began sipping from it. They walked out to the staff area and were greeted by the other flight attendants.

"WAIT!", Jimin squealed. "Jungkook, as in the Jeon Jungkook, is your boyfriend!?"

"Mhm", Taehyung smiled fondly, watching Jungkook drink his milk.

"Show me an old picture of Jungkook, then", Jin piped up.

"Oh, god, please no", Jungkook groaned. "I had orange hair at the time!"

"I thought it was cute", Taehyung replied, unlocking his phone and showing him an old selfie with Jungkook.

Jungkook took one look at the picture and recoiled in horror. "Nope, I never want to remember carrot me ever again!"

This coaxed a laugh from the lighter pinkette and the rest of the crew. Jungkook lifted the milk to take another sip, but Taehyung plucked the carton from his hands, drinking some himself. The younger merely shrugged and kissed the top of the lighter pinkette's head.

"Your matching hair colour looks good", Hoseok suddenly spoke up.

"Hmm", the darker pinkette hummed. "We actually got it done this way on purpose. This is the first time we've seen each other in 3 years and we wanted to do something to remind each other of the other. We already got tattoos back at out 18th birthdays, so that was out of the question."

"Goals", was all that was spoken by Jimin.


AN: I lied, this wasn't going to be that long. But the next 2 will be more than one part! I PROMISE! But, hey, 2 updates in one day!


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