[003] Reciprocated at Last

254 19 13

AN: Okay, so my friend was bugging me, but I enjoy writing so here I have returned.


"Mr Kim hasn't eaten properly in a month", the doctor said.

All eyes turned to Taehyung who just sat there, staring at the flimsy paper covering on the examination table. He felt eyes on him, so the lighter pinkette looked up, noticing all the staring and he began to feel slightly uncomfortable.

"Hmm?", he hummed.

"You haven't eaten properly in a month", Namjoon said brow furrowing. "Is that right?"

"Maybe", Taehyung said.

"Tae", Jungkook said quietly.

Jimin smiled softly when he noticed how his boyfriend looked at his best friend. Jimin knew that Jungkook was in love with Taehyung and, if he was being honest, Jimin thought that Jungkook and Taehyung would make a better couple than he and Jungkook did. He only got with Jungkook to try and forget Yoongi, but, little did he know, that both Hoseok and Yoongi felt for him. He tapped Jungkook on the shoulder.

"Kook, can I talk to you for a bit? Outside?"

Jungkook nodded, following Jimin closely. He watched the orange-haired boy take a deep breath as he looked the maknae straight in the eyes. "I'm breaking up with you."

"Huh? But-why?", Jungkook asked. If he was being honest, it hurt less than he thought it would.

Jimin let out a cute giggle. "Please, you and I both know I only asked you out because I was trying to get over Yoongi and you pitied me. I know you and you will never fall in love with me and, in all honesty, I don't think I could ever fall in love with you either. You're in love with Taehyung. Go tell him before he does something stupid", the older flashed a bright smile.

Jungkook nodded and walked off to get Taehyung a glass of water. Jimin smiled brightly and began bouncing up and down on his toes while clapping his hands and pumping his arms. "Yay! My ship will finally sail and I will be the president of Taekook!"

He heard two laughs from behind him and turned to see Hoseok and Yoongi standing behind him. "We're proud of you, Chim", Hoseok said.

"Mochi", Yoongi suddenly piped up, walking forwards and intertwining his hand with Jimin's, making the pumpkin-haired boy flush pink. "Hoseok and I talked it over, and we discovered that we both like you while we still love each other, so, we were wondering if you would, I dunno, go out with us?", Yoongi scratched the back of his neck nervously as Hoseok pouted at Jimin, something the younger had never seen before.


Jungkook stayed back at the hospital alone, lingering by the door as he waited for the hyungs to finally leave the room. Once he was sure they were all gone, he walked back into the room.

"Taehyungie", Jungkook said softly, catching the older's attention.

"Hey, Kookie", the lighter pinkette replied softly.

"So, Jimin and I broke up", Jungkook said.

Taehyung shot up into a sitting position, grimacing slightly when he felt his head spin, but it passed quickly enough. "WHAT!? Why!?"

"Jimin has always been in love with Yoongi hyung, but I noticed how his gaze always lingers on Hoseokie hyung as well and I didn't want to get in between them. I overheard Yoongi and Hoseok hyung asking him out after we broke up", Jungkook paused, his gaze flitting to the elder's lips. "And also", Jungkook leaned forward and captured Taehyung's lips in his own, sending a wave of electricity through his body. He pulled away, letting his forehead rest on Taehyung's. "Because I'm so in love with you..."

"I'm in love with you, too", Taehyung replied.

Jungkook smiled softly, raising a hand to rest on Taehyung's face, thumb stroking his cheekbone. His hand eventually moved to stroke the rest of his face, starting at his thick, dark eyebrows, moving down to brush against his eyelid before swiping his finger on the elder's under-eye, before moving on to his cheeks, down his nose, brushing briefly against his cupid's bow before moving to rest on the mole at the corner of his lips.

"Beautiful", Jungkook murmured, stealing another kiss from the older, making him giggle.

They both jumped at a squeal from the doorway and turned to find Yoongi with his hand over Jimin's mouth and Hoseok, who looked like he was struggling to breathe due to being squished by Jimin.


"YAH!", they heard Jin shout. "There are still other patients in this hospital, you know, Park Jimin!"

Taehyung and Jungkook exchanged looks before they started laughing, their hyungs staring at them fondly as Jimin went on a rant on how he had to plan their wedding now that he was the president of their ship.

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