[26] From My Heart To Yours

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  Kim Taehyung sat in the classroom, grinding his teeth together in annoyance as he listened to Soojin brag about her boyfriend, who so happened to be Tae's best friend and long-time crush, Jeong Jungkook

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  Kim Taehyung sat in the classroom, grinding his teeth together in annoyance as he listened to Soojin brag about her boyfriend, who so happened to be Tae's best friend and long-time crush, Jeong Jungkook.

The two were born 9 months apart and had grown up as neighbours, becoming best friends. Neither of their families were religious, both being hard-core atheists and being homosexual was never a problem. Taehyung was gay, Jungkook had come out as bisexual a couple of years ago, and now, the younger had a new girlfriend.

If Tae said he wasn't jealous, it would be a lie, he was jealous. But that wasn't why he was upset. Soojin was known as the school whore. Taehyung didn't really care about that, it was more so the fact that the girl was always spreading rumours and gossiping about people, saying untrue things that eventually led to a loss of friendship.

Taehyung clenched his left fist as he felt a particularly painful throb in his chest. Just to think, he wouldn't have to deal with the pain in just 5 more hours, but he would never be able to hear his own heartbeat again. That thought saddened him, but he would definitely take a sound recording of his heart beating, even if he had such a bad murmur that, instead of the regular thunk thunk thunk that any other person had, his heartbeat was thunk thunk... thunk thunk thunk....thunk.....thunk.

He sighed in relief as soon as the bell rang and he was able to get out of the classroom and head to the hospital since school was finally over. He headed to his locker and placed his books inside his locker before walking out of the school. He avoided his friend group, though they didn't seem to notice him.

He hopped onto the bus and texted his mom that he was on the way to the hospital, to which she replied with wishing him good luck and that she'll be there in 45 minutes and by then, Taehyung would already be in surgery, which would last 6 hours because of how abnormally large his heart was. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy was not an easy disorder to deal with.

He paid the bus driver and walked into the hospital, heading to the receptionist and getting his tag, leaving his bag with her as his surgeon whisked him away. The soft pinkette was terrified, but it was better than living in fear of having a heart attack out of nowhere or being scared to go to sleep because he could go into cardiac arrest and no-one would know until he was found dead the next morning.

He changed into his hospital gown and took a deep breath as he closed his eyes and let the anaesthesia take over him, hoping that the surgery would go as well as possible.


Jin stared at his phone as he attempted to call Taehyung for the 500th time the next morning, but no reply. He growled in annoyance and walked back into the cafeteria, sitting down next to all his friends and Soojin.

"No answer?", Jimin questioned, looking up at the eldest with big doe-eyes.

"No", he sighed, dropping his head onto the table.

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