[53] lovers' oath

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five twenty pm.

taehyung leapt up from the sofa in the living room, bam barking and hopping around at the sudden action, tail waving in excitement, yeontan skittering into the room and yipping loudly as well, wanting to be included in whatever commotion was happening, running around bam in circles as the larger dog playfully snapped at his paws, fueling yeontan's high-pitched barks as they chased each other in circles around the house.

the blonde giggled, his cheeks rising into their oh-so-familiar bread shape as he watched their dogs run around the house, the small pomeranian hopping up and down as he tried to catch the doberman's tail between his teeth, the two dogs too occupied with their little playfight to notice the honey-eyed boy rushing out the front doors of their mansion in the outskirts of seoul standing on the rocks that lined the front of the patio, shifting from rock to rock as he waited for the familiar mercedes to come into sight.

this was his favourite time of day, when his husband would finish work and the younger would greet him in the driveway, holding each other as if they had been apart for months instead of only a few hours. even after so many years, their bond still ran deep and strong and taehyung adored jeongguk with every bone in his body and he would never stop.

the familiar purr of jeongguk's mercedes could be heard on the street and taehyung watched as the car rounded the corner to their house, practically bouncing on the balls of his feet.

"and you best believe that i have many, many future plans for both ENHYPEN and TXT, don't you guys worry", the CEO chuckled, turning onto his street and smiling as he spotted their mansion, a familiar figure dressed in white hopping up and down on the rocks lining their patio, eyes fond. "anyway, i'm almost home, would you guys like for me to continue the live?"

he glanced briefly at the screen, laughing at the flurry of 'yes's that filled his screen, keeping his eyes trained on taehyung, who was waving at him with the largest smile on his face, the corner of his mouth lifting up into the faintest grin as he pulled into his driveway, eyes trained on his husband and completely forgetting about the live on his phone as he put his car in park.

leaving his blazer on the passenger seat of his car, he flung the door open and leapt out, not realising that his shoulder had knocked into his phone and swung it around so that it was still facing him, his arms spread wide, ready to welcome the honey-eyed boy who had hopped off the rocks and was currently running towards him into his arms.

"jeonggukkie!", taehyung squealed, leaping into the ravenette's arms and giggling like crazy as the older spun them around, arms around the blonde's waist, his own arms latched around the dark-eyed boy's neck, head thrown back in full-blown laughter.

"baby bear!", the CEO laughed in return, voice filled with as much enthusiasm and excitement as the younger's. though it had only been ten hours since they had last seen each other, it felt like a lifetime to both of them.

"hi, gukkie", taehyung giggled, shrieking and wrapping his legs around the larger man's waist when he bent at the waist, angling the two of them towards the ground to bury his face in his husband's neck.

"hi, baby, hello, love", he muffled into the smooth, golden expanse of the smaller's neck, just loud enough for his phone's microphone to pick it up, still not noticing the flurry of excited and confused comments that were popping up on his live.

"welcome home, bunbun", the blonde smiled, cheeks rising to hide his eyes as he reached out and cupped jeongguk's jaw, taking his thumb and pressing it into the ravenette's nose, muttering a small "boop!" as he did so, laughing when the CEO playfully tried to bite his thumb.

"missed you, gorgeous", the older responded in return, leaning forward to press a soft kiss into the plush of the actor's cheek, nipping at it gently before pulling away, only then noticing the mess that was appearing on his phone screen.

"whoops", he chuckled, setting taehyung down though he kept his arm firmly wrapped around the blonde's waist. "i forgot that i was on live", he reached out and grabbed the phone, handing it to taehyung who waved brightly at the camera, the comments rushing to coo over how adorable and sweet he looked, the honey-eyed boy giggling as he read them, not noticing his husband's fond eyes that were trained on him. "why don't you go take my phone inside, love, and continue the live for a bit, hm? i'll join you once i've put all the groceries away", the older gestured to the paper bags that were sitting on his back seat. "go on!", he encourage, sending the younger off with a firm smack on the ass, the actor shrieking before he sprinted off into the house, the CEO's laughter following him inside.

"hi everyone!", he giggled, sitting down cross-legged on the floor in front of the coffee table in the middle of their living room, propping up the phone against his empty cup of tea. "impromptu tete storytime!", the honey-eyed boy announced, proceeding to tell a story from a couple of days ago about how he had dragged jeongguk outside to play in the snow with him and their dogs, the two of them building snowmen and having a snowball fight.

just as he was finishing up the story, the older reappeared in the frame, his sleeves now rolled up to his elbows as he walked forwards, bending down to press a kiss to the top of the younger's head before sitting beside him, wrapping an arm around the blonde's waist and leaving it to rest on his ass, taehyung shooting him a glare while the tattooed boy simply smiled innocently, winking at the actor who rolled his eyes.

"hey, guys, i'm back", the CEO hummed, leaning forward to read the colourful array of 'welcome back!' messages that were now popping up on the screen. "i'm sure that all of you are incredibly confused. to the public, taehyung and i don't even know each other's names, let alone ever interacted so we're willing to answer a few questions."

"'how long have you two been dating?'", the blonde leaned forward, reading the first question that popped up in the comments and laughing quietly, his hand finding its way into his husband's hair and softly playing with it, stroking the dark locks gently. "ah, we're actually married, three years now, coming up on four in april. we dated for about seven years before that, though. ggukkie here proposed four years ago and we sealed the deal on april fifth, twenty-eighteen."

"'do you still keep your own last names?'", was the next question that jeongguk read out, kissing the side of the blonde's temple after he did so. "taehyung here took my last name after we got married, legally, he's a jeon but he still goes by kim and no, it doesn't bother me at all. if he wanted me to, i would have taken his last name when we got married but he insisted that he wanted mine so we're officially the jeons."

"let's keep answering questions ggukkie?", the younger questioned softly, eyes trained on his husband's lips before surging forward to press a gentle peck to them.

"sure, baby, let's keep answering questions", the older hummed, giving him a soft kiss in return.

'actor kim taehyung and CEO jeon jeongguk reveal that they're married through a sweet welcome home moment captured on live. read more on the k-media website!'

let me know what you guys thought. just a lil' drabble to feed y'all temporarily while i work on my fic fest fics hehe!! borahe, boragays!!!

come follow me on twt, milkybqbex

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2022 ⏰

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