[002] Unrequited Love

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AN: Fuck, let's hope I don't cry writing this one.


You're happy. You're happy with him and there's nothing I can do about it.

Taehyung watched as Jimin and Jungkook sat cuddling on the couch. Just yesterday Jimin had asked Jungkook out and the younger had agreed, and now Taehyung was sitting in the living room, hand clasping his pen so harshly he thought that it was going to snap. It did, the pen did snap and ink spilt everywhere. Everyone looked up from what they were doing at the sound and turned to find Taehyung sighing and shaking his head, heading to the kitchen to grab a sponge to clean up his mess.

As he did so, he spotted the small jar he had hidden in the kitchen cupboard. It contained the razor that he had locked away from himself so that he wouldn't continue to cut, but seeing Jungkook and Jimin happy together set something off in him, now he was desperate for the pain. He wanted to die. And he knew how to make himself suffer, exactly how he made himself suffer all those years ago.


Jin shot a worried glance at Taehyung. A week after Jimin and Jungkook had gotten together, Jin noticed slight changes in lighter pinkette. Taehyung began to drastically lose weight and his cheeks began to hollow out, his eyes were dull, lips pale and thin, skin dry, hair almost dead and the bones on his hands sticking out prominently.

Jin saw Taehyung almost collapse and faceplant in the dance studio, but the younger saved himself just in time. Jin continued to watch Taehyung as he, Jimin and Jungkook practised their dance. Of course, everyone was to busy with their own things to notice Taehyung silently overworking himself on purpose. Jin watched as the younger stumbled over his feet for the 5th time today and sighed, he would have a chat with Taehyung.


As soon as they got home, Jin grabbed Taehyung and began dragging him to to the younger's room. He sat Taehyung down on the bed before he locked the door and sat down on the floor, staring intently into Taehyung's faded brown orbs.

"What's wrong, Tae?", Jin asked.

Taehyung sighed and bit his lip, looking down. "I know it's wrong, but I'm not happy for Jungkook and Jimin hyung. I love him, hyung, I love Jungkook so damn much it hurts. It hurts so bad to see him with someone else and it's slowly breaking me. I can't just watch and do nothing, but, at the same time, I know that I have to because Jungkook himself is happy, and if Jungkook is happy, then I guess I have to be as well."

"Taehyung", Jin whispered in a hoarse voice.

"Don't", Taehyung replied, angrily, but still gently, pushing Jin out the door.


"Figured out what's wrong with him, yet?", Jin jumped at the sound of Hoseok's voice and saw both him and Yoongi standing in front of Taehyung's door.

"How did you-?"

"The only oblivious ones to Taehyung's suffering ar Jikook."

Jin sighed, knowing that they were going to find out what happened a little later anyway. "Taehyung's in love with Jungkook."

Yoongi's mouth formed an 'o' and stared sympathetically at the door. Jin sadly shook his head and walked away from the door.


It had been a month ever since Jin's conversation with Taehyung and Jin noticed Taehyung began locking himself in his room more, bags and dark circles had formed themselves under his eyes and it looked as if Taehyung was at his breaking point. Namjoon knew as well, he knew what was going on because Jin had told him, and the leader worried for their vocalist.

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