[013] Christmas❆

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AN: Okay, so I'm doing my Christmas special in the middle of November because I got this idea right NOW and I had to start before I forgot, and also, there is a high chance that I won't be able to post on Christmas day.



Taehyung opened his eyes to the soft sun. He rolled over in the white sheets only to be met with an empty side of the bed. He sighed and closed his eyes to go back to sleep when he felt a familiar churn in his stomach. He shot straight up and ran to the bathroom, completely turning his insides out. He sighed as he cleaned out his mouth. It had been like this for a few weeks now and he was going to ask Jin to give him a check-up before he went in search for a gift for his mate, Jungkook.

He stood up and pulled on some black jeans before going in and raiding Jungkook's closet for his burgundy hoodie, Taehyung's favourite. The light pinkette slowly walked down the stairs, stomach still churning slightly, but it had blown over surprisingly quickly. He slowly walked to the kitchen, finding Jin at the stove. He walked over and gave the older a hug, who returned it with the arm that wasn't cooking.

"Where'd Kook go?", Taehyung mumbled, voice hoarse from the bile earlier in the morning.

Jin frowned and turned off the stove, turning to him. "Jungkook went out to buy gifts since it's Christmas today. You know how it's our tradition to go Christmas shopping on Christmas day", Jin chuckled, knowing that he may have to remind Taehyung, the younger wasn't originally from the Bangtan pack.

Taehyung nodded blearily, head still a small bit fuzzy from the burning of his body and the room was still spinning the slightest bit.

"But", Jin continued. "What's up with you? You don't sound good!"

"I think I might be sick", Taehyung said softly. "I've been waking up and feeling like I need to throw up these past 3 days."

An idea popped into Jin's mind. He just hoped he was right because if he was, Taehyung wouldn't need to go out and buy Jungkook a gift. The older gently grabbed onto the omega's hand and began to drag him to his clinic. Jin was always the one to take care of the sick and injured, largely due to his motherly nature.

The eldest opened the door to his clinic and sat Taehyung down on an examination table, immediately going to rummage through his 'extremely unlikely situations' drawer. He finally found what he was looking for and pushed the younger into the bathroom.

A few minutes later, Taehyung emerged from the bathroom, carrying the used pregnancy test, a confused look on his face. "I don't get it", the younger said. "You think I might be pregnant?"

Jin nodded. "Yes", the eldest replied. "We wait for the results of the pregnancy test and, if they come in positive, then we go on and do an ultrasound, 'kay?"

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