Vol 1 - 8 - Renegades

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Nemuri walked through the front doors of Love Deluxe with a far clearer and sounder mind than she had when she had left this morning, thanks in part to the pill she had taken. Checking the time on her phone, she frowned. It was 10:30 p.m., and she was only now just getting home. Originally, after their game of Uno, Shouta was going to take Nemuri home. But, he was called out for an emergency hostage situation in Hosu, making that impossible.

Hizashi would've taken her home, had it not been for the fact that he was tipsy, as was Nemuri. So, they both had to wait until Shouta got home for her to go anywhere. Public drunkenness, aside from inside bars, was illegal, and the last thing either of them wanted to be arrested for being drunk in public even if they were only tipsy. So, in the meantime, the pair decided to sit down and watch the first half of the new Gundham series, which had been one of the best ones so far in Nemuri's opinion.

By the time Shouta got home, he was banged up and bruised, but still willing to drive her back to the hotel. Without any fanfare, they did just that. The drive the whole way was silent, neither of them talking about anything. She was half convinced that Shouta was half-asleep driving, but he managed.

That brought her to now, with her standing in the foyer of Love Deluxe, and approaching the counter. The hotel was closed on Sundays, so it wasn't like she was walking up to the counter to speak to anyone. Rather, she was walking up to the counter to pick up a letter that was just.. sitting there.

When she picked up the white envelope, Yoshihara's name was scrawled across it, meaning that it wasn't an officially shipped letter, which made it even more suspicious. Still, she wasn't going to open it. Especially because there wasn't exactly a reason for her to.

Taking the letter with her, Nemuri walked over to the elevator, walked in, inserted and twisted the key, and waited for the elevator to take her to the suite floor as the doors closed. It didn't take long for her to reach the suite floor, and when she stepped out of the elevator, she did so not seeing Yoshihara.

A frown took up her visage. "Where is she?" Nemuri thought, before sighing. "I can't be bothered. Here goes nothing!" As that thought ended, Nemuri cleared her throat and shouted. "Yoshi-chan! You've got a letter! I found it on the front desk!"

As Nemuri finished shouting, a groan came from Yoshihara's bedroom. A few seconds later, a very tired, groggy Yoshihara dressed in a dark blue, white collared nightgown that reached down to her knees emerged from her bedroom, hair covering her eyes and making her look like the girl from The Ring, just blonde and not soaking wet.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up! I thought you were binge-watching more One Piece," Nemuri apologized as Yoshihara grumbled incoherently. Slowly but surely, she walked down the stairs, before stumbling into Nemuri, latching onto her waist to keep herself stable. Needless to say, Nemuri was not comfortable with it. "U-Uh, are you okay?"

"Tired. Need balance. Give me a second..." Yoshihara mumbled, inhaling sharply, before taking a step back and exhaling. She brushed her hair out of her eyes, and with a slightly dry, almost pissed-off tone of voice, Yoshihara spoke. "This had better be important, or I'm going to put cinnamon in your coffee."

"You wouldn't dare!" Nemuri faux gasped, a smirk on her face as Yoshihara chuffed.

"Just give me the damn letter," Yoshihara said as Nemuri passed her the letter in question. Frankly, Yoshihara was not in the mood to be reading anything. She had been very keen on sleeping, hence why she was in a nightgown and not standard attire.

After the meeting with the Midoriya, Inko, Kujo, and Sakunami, Kira decided that it would be worth trying to catch up on the sleep she had missed from waking up so early this morning. If there was one thing she valued more than anything else in the world, it was her sleep schedule. And if anyone messed with it, she'd have a few words to say to them about it. A few very pointed, violent words.

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