Vol 9 - 4: The Training Camp From Hell - Part 2

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[Beta Read by Doc43Souls]

[Training Camp Of Hell – Part 2]

[Three Days Ago]

Tsuyu had been convinced by Kaminari, Uraraka, and Kirishima to go out to the mall in uptown Musutafu. How? Well, simply put, she needed to get a new fan for her room, and seeing as they were going in a group it was a better idea than going alone—especially after recent events have proven that going alone was a bad idea.

Now, would she have liked to go with another group of people? Yes, preferably not in the same group as Kaminari Denki, simply because his puns were the most annoying things in the world—more annoying than Samidere's fly-related puns. If there was one thing she didn't miss about being home, it was Samidere's puns.

Right now, Tsuyu was shopping in the electronics store, trying to find a better, more high-power fan for a relatively cheap price. She only had 10,000 Yen to her name, and that was because her mother had recently sent her money that she was owed for giving up her allowance for three months to help pay for groceries.

The only reason she was given that money she was owed was because her father had recently gotten a raise, and so for once they had some extra money, and her mother had promised to pay her back. Otherwise, she probably would've asked Yaoyorozu to make her a fan.

As she stood in the store, staring between a box fan for 9,600 Yen and a mountable fan for 9,800 Yen, Tsuyu stroked her chin in thought, judging the pros and cons of both styles of fan, when she heard the sound of someone walking up behind her. She had a feeling that she knew who it was, and sighed. "Kaminari, do not prank me in public," Tsuyu drawled only to hear what sounded like something unravelling.

Her eyes widened, as she whipped her head around to see who was walking behind her when a hand clasped around her mouth, clamping her mouth shut and not allowing her jaw to move. The person's physical strength was beyond that of anything that she had the misfortune of experiencing.

When her eyes scanned the person who was man-handling her with ease, she noted the inhuman yellow eyes that looked similar to the creature that Jonathon Kujo of The Speedwagon Foundation had shown them when they had been introduced to the concept of the supernatural.

He was wearing a black hoodie that completely obscured his appearance, along with a pair of black pants and black shoes. Although his hood was down, most likely because the creature was now inside and free from the worries of having to deal with Sunlight. His hands were gloved, but they were skintight gloves, meaning that it didn't matter if they were covered, they would've gripped her all the same if he was bare-handed.

All of this was to say that the creature she was staring at was familiar, even if he was wearing clothing. Why? Because it was all in the eyes. And because his eyes were visible, she had no problem in deducing just who this creature was.

It was the Vampire.

The same Vampire who had killed Ida. And now she was facing it, staring it down as its expression warped into a twisted smile. "Well, well, well! Isn't this a well-needed surprise~! Did U.A. let you brats leave the school? You'd think they would've learned their lesson after I attacked the school with my thrall~! Now they're just giving me ammunition on a silver platter!"

Tsuyu was terrified. She tried to move, to kick the Vampire in the stomach to get him to let go, but it did nothing. All it did was seemingly piss the man off. That was when she saw his hair transform into what seemed to be tentacles, with sharp tips. His twisted smile turned into a frown as he spoke.

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