Vol 2 - 3: Kira Takes On U.A. - Part 1

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[Kira Takes on U.A. – Part 1]

Yoshihara woke up to the sound of snoring in her right ear. It wasn't the most pleasant way to wake up, that much was for sure, although it did confuse her a tiny bit. Had she been snoring that loudly? She didn't remember how it was she had fallen asleep. The last thing she could remember was that she was reading Soul Eater with Izuku. After some point, she believed it to be Volume 15 of the Manga, she had clocked out for the night unintentionally. Her eyes were just that heavy, she supposed.

Still, though, that didn't mean she knew why she was hearing snoring. Either way, it wasn't as if she wouldn't stay in the dark for too long. As her eyes opened ever so slightly, squinting due to the morning sun beaming into her face, she felt her head pressed up against something hard—not like a pillow, but like... a brick? No, maybe not a brick, it was too squishy to be a brick. But it was hard.

She slowly sat up, rubbing her eyes. Her legs had been positioned weirdly, almost like she was riding on something, like a horse. Why would she be like that? She hadn't been doing anything lately. Come to think of it, the more she was beginning to clue into her surroundings, she was sitting on something that wasn't her mattress....

"What the hell..." Yoshihara thought as she wobbled for a second, nearly losing her balance. Quickly, she put her hands down in front of her to keep balance, and as her vision focused, she could feel her face light up in a comical fashion as she looked down to see not only the source of the snoring but the rock-hard thing her head had been pressed up against.

It was Izuku, and she had woken up to her straddling him.

Her hands were pressed up against his chest, and it felt hard, almost like his chest was rocky. Was he... buff? A part of her mind was curious to see what was underneath the green hoodie, but her rational side told her to get the fuck off of him before he woke up!

The last thing Yoshihara wanted was for him to wake up and see her straddling him and think the worst. Not that she thought that Izuku would immediately jump to that, but she had been in less favourable positions before, and this was not one she wanted to be in, especially considering this was her first real friend. She didn't want him to think that she had, well, used him per se.

Just as she was about to get up and off of him, however, Izuku woke up, his eyes squinted at her before they sprang open like a jack in the box, his face going almost completely red. All she could muster out in response was a meek "Hello."

The two stared at one another, and Yoshihara's heart felt like it was going to burst out of her chest. She wanted to die, that was how embarrassing this was for her. Of all the things she could have happened this morning, this was not what she had wanted. Why was he in her room!? Why was he sleeping on her bed?! The only thing she could possibly think of was...


Her having passed out on him and him following suit not wanting to wake her up.... "Goddamnit! Why does he have to be so nice!?" Yoshihara thought, her face still beaming red. It wasn't as if she would be annoyed if he had moved so that she could save herself the embarrassment. But no! It had to be like this! And just as she thought things couldn't get any worse....

Things got worse.

"K-Kira-san!!!" The boy screamed, and it was at that point when the blonde jumped off of him like a springloaded toy rocket. When she landed on the ground, feet first might she add, her face was redder than a tomato.

"I-I swear it wasn't what it was looking like!" Yoshihara nearly shrieked, hiding her embarrassed face, and it was then that Yoshihara noticed Nemuri standing in the doorway, where she had been repressing a giggle.

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