Vol 8 - 5: Final Exams - Part 1

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[Beta Read by Doc43Souls]

[Final Exams – Part 1]

The sound of crashing and whimpers filled the empty halls of an abandoned, derelict building, with two parked, all-black sports cars out front. The crashing came from someone using wanton and needless violence against a helpless individual, and the whimpers came from the victim of said abuse.

Because no matter what, there was a dynamic at play. And that dynamic was absolute. Both knew it and while one loved it, the other absolutely despised it.

But, what was it that caused this untold rage? Well... it was because of a failure, something that already pissed off the attacker, and seeing as the person who failed was already dead, there was only one thing that could be done. And that was taking out his anger on someone else.

And there just so happened to be someone who didn't have a choice but to bear it.

But first, some context: Takiyuma was more than a little annoyed. Beyond the fact that his first servant failed, and thus had to be removed from the picture, she couldn't even kill the weakest link in terms of Stand Users. All of his information on Karera Sakunami pointed out how her Stand was weak, and how it wasn't all that strong in comparison to the others that she surrounded herself with. Thus, it should've been easy to kill her.

When that failed, It made his blood boil, and as such, he was fuming mad. He had already killed the stupid brat that he had entrusted with the job by activating The Flesh Bud within his servant's head, effectively taking away the only tidbit of information that the heroes could've gained from his failure of a thrall, but it also sent a message.

Failure was not an option.

"Stupid piece of shit!" Takiyuma bellowed as he slammed the edge of his foot into the side of one Kyoka Jirou, who coughed up a copious amount of blood. He had lied to the League and said that he needed Kyoka for something. That something was him taking out his frustration on her. After all, she was his prisoner, his slave and he was allowed to do whatever he damn well wanted to her.

"Worthless sack of flesh!" The Vampire roared, stomping down on the purplette's face, breaking her nose and shattering a few of her teeth. "Why can't you pathetic humans do anything right!?" And with one final kick to the stomach, one so strong it sent the poor girl flying into a wall, while at the same time tearing a hole through her abdomen, Takiyuma glared down at the puddle of blood that belonged to Kyoka, who was writhing on the floor, crying and cursing and dying.

When Takiyuma heard the pathetic moans and groans of the teenager, it set him off again, but instead of attacking her, he stormed out of the run-down building that he was using as his current shelter. Just beyond the outside was another man, one who looked extremely unimpressed. He was wearing a black medical mask, along with a black shirt, a white tie, and a pair of lime green pants with red sneakers.

"You know, Takiyuma, needlessly hurting the recruits won't help them get stronger," the unimpressed man said as Takiyuma growled, his purple eyes glaring daggers at the man in question.

"Shut your fucking mouth, get in there, and heal her with that pathetic Quirk of yours, Overhaul."

The moment the man's name left his mouth, the black-haired man's golden yellow eyes narrowed toward the Vampire. Nevertheless, the man walked into the room while he took off one of his white gloves.

The reason why Overhaul had been here was simple: to revive Kyoka if he went too far or to heal her if he didn't kill her. That, and he had just finished a business meeting with The Boss, and he just happened to be nearby. Therefore, he took advantage of that and asked him to repay a favour he was owed.

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