Vol 6 - 1: Meeting The Joestars - Part 3

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[Meeting The Joestars – Part 3]

Sea travel was by far one of the most forgotten ways of making it from one place to another, especially nowadays when jets are far more reliable. Even still, some people, especially from older generations, found sea travel to be far more enjoyable than being trapped in a metal box with wings. Besides, there was a higher chance of surviving a sinking ship than a crashing plane.

Of course, both have their pros and cons. But, when stacked together, plane travel was just more dangerous than sea travel. There was more assuredness when it came to travelling by sea than flying through the sky at 750 miles per hour in a crowded vessel and dodgy pilots.

And while some people found it relaxing, others found it terrifying. And while that was a perfectly good opinion to have, to some it felt like an insult. Most people nowadays fly to get where they want to be, often ignoring sea travel altogether as an option, and because of that, travelling the world by boat had become something of a lost art in the year 2118.

That being said, however, it was still a large part of The Speedwagon Foundation's infrastructure when it came to taking important personnel from one place to another. Due to that type of travel being seen as inferior, not many people—villain or otherwise—attacked boats. Not unless they were military ships, in which case diplomacy is attempted first and foremost.

After all, the UN wanted to try and keep world peace a thing. Well, as peaceful as things could get, what with the constant wars in the Middle East, the tensions increasing with China and Korea almost reaching their boiling point, and on top of China seeking to now "take back" Taiwan more than ever, to call what was going on now "World Peace" was an insult to the very notion.

But then again, this was the best thing anyone was ever going to get, so it was best to enjoy it while it lasted. World Peace in its entirety was impossible, especially when it came to politics. The only way World Peace could happen is if everyone was brainwashed and tuned into the same mindset. And at that point, that's just a hive mind, and there would be no free will.

"Is the V.I.P. happy?" One of the ship's guards asked another, who nodded.

"When is he not? For him being as old as he is, you'd think he'd be a bit more grouchy, right?"

"True... still, to think he's still kicking after all this time, and still living in Morioh while also being the police chief... You'd think he would've been going senile by now, right? Either that or retire from his position. Many people are beginning to wonder if he's got an immortality Quirk!"

"Pft! Yeah, I heard that one. To be fair though, his Hamon Training from his early years, coupled with his naturally easygoing nature and still being considered to be in his prime, he's got another 50 years to go before the term senile even begins to crop up! And that's not even considering the fact that he's a Hamon prodigy, much like his old man," The guard said, pausing as he looked over this co-worker, a large smirk on his face.

"Did ya know? He still practices it, even to this day! It's the only thing keeping him from having to use a cane or a walker! Yeah, it's a grim thought, but I'm pretty sure if he wanted to, he could stop at any moment. He doesn't use Hamon to fight, though. He mostly uses it to better his quality of life. But even still, I think that if Lisa Lisa were still alive, she'd be proud of her Grandson, you know?"

"Even if he was illegitimate?" Another guard perked up, only for the two guards conversing to shrug.

"Eh, maybe? Honestly, I think all she cared about was having grandkids. Especially after everything she had already been through. Yeesh...." The guard on the left stated with a downtrodden expression on his face. His demeanour shifted back to a neutral gaze, clearing his throat. "In other news, we're three hours away from landing. Let Mr. Higashikata know we're almost there."

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