Vol 7 - 3: Dorm Life? New Classes?! What!? - Part 3

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[Dorm life? New Classes?! What!? – Part 2]

Toshinori Yagi had just arrived at U.A., late, mind you, but with being the number one hero in all of Japan, the man tended to be busy. And despite what Nedzu thought, or wanted, he was a hero first, and a teacher second. While some might say stopping a bank robbery should've been saved for the smaller heroes, Toshinori just happened to be in the area, and it wasn't at all the result of him stalking a few bank robbers he had seen on the news.

Totally, it was purely accidental.

Who could blame him, though? He had recovered from his wounds, and he was able to keep up the All Might shtick for way longer than he used to post-injury. Like, past 10 hours longer. The only reason he still deflated, and calling it a deflation would be a massive overstatement, was because he was using the embers of One For All now. Otherwise, he was still incredibly strong, with or without One For All.

He was almost back to his prime level of strength.... Even if he didn't have One For All anymore, because he could feel it slowly fading away, due to how his body had changed and grown and evolved with One For All, he probably wouldn't need it if he was back in his prime state. Sure, being a hero would be a tad harder, and he wouldn't be able to hit nearly as hard as he used to be able to, but, he would still be able to be a hero.

If someone had told him that a month ago, he'd be beyond doubtful.

But, it all came with a price. A price that he at first thought was nothing more than Tooru, a person who had direct connections with Nana Shimura, his master, used to goad him into taking the healing process, and it actually had no consequences at all, whatsoever.

Then.... Tenya Ida was killed by a villain during his internship with Manual, and reality came crashing down on Toshinori like a tonne of bricks.

Tooru had been dead serious about what he said. That a "Great Calamity will Strike U.A. if you do this." Those words rang throughout his head ever since that day, and what was worse was that he had been trapped in that situation because something worse would've happened otherwise. And, if it was something worse than Tenya Ida, one of his students, dying, he couldn't even begin to imagine what that was.

He might have gotten his body back to full power, but at what cost? The life of a student? Was it worth it?


No, it was not.

But no one needed to know that to be the truth. No one needed to know that Ida's death was the fault of his wanting his body healed. He wanted to put the blame fully on Tooru, but he couldn't. He chalked it up to Tooru being excited to heal the student of his cousin, gathering the energy assuming that he would do it regardless of what he said, and then having to convince Toshinori of it once he had accepted the facts.

So, while most of the blame could be put on Tooru and his eagerness, the rest of the blame was on Toshinori's shoulders. It didn't matter which way he looked at it, something bad would've happened regardless of his choice. He had been put between a rock and a hard place by Tooru, whether it be on purpose or not was debatable, but the fact still remained.

Tenya Ida's blood was on the hands of three people. His killer, Tooru, and himself.

Closing his eyes, he exited his car, collected himself, and walked into U.A. with his head lower than he typically presented himself. He had been there for the first meeting with Yoshimura and the explanation of what his class was going to be about, now he had to attend the schedule-shifting meeting. The meeting was in an hour or so, and with that extra time, he thought it prudent to have a cup of coffee in the teacher's lounge.

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