Vol 5 - 4: The Sports Festival - Part 9

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[The Sports Festival – Part 9]

Yoshihara opened the door to the gender-neutral bathroom that Josefumi had instructed her and the others to meet at. Following close behind her was Izuku, who had a confused and nervous expression on his face. As they entered, they were met with Josefumi, which should've been obvious considering he had been the one that asked them to be there. He was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, and one leg kicked up behind him against the wall.

His expression was serious, and his eyes had a contemplating look swirling within them. He looked to be in deep thought, which wasn't unusual. As soon as he noticed the pair enter, he motioned for Izuku to close the door behind him, the boy doing as he was asked. Once the door was closed, Josefumi spoke.

"Well, you came faster than I would've expected," Josefumi spoke, his tone carrying a hint of surprise. As he did, Karera walked out of one of the stalls, rubbing the side of her head with a nonchalant expression and demeanour about her. Izuku jumped back, not expecting her to suddenly show up despite her already being there. The green and black-haired teen looked at Kira and smiled, waving at her, Yoshihara returning the wave.

"Heya, Kira-chan! I saw your fight, that was pretty scary. Were you pissed off or something?" Karera asked as Yoshihara shrugged, scratching the back of her neck, her eyes carrying a faint glimpse of restrained annoyance.

"Well, after being told the same thing over and over again for the last handful of hours, one tends to reach their limit. It really could've been either Kendo or Monoma who had that happened to them. Regardless, what was it that we needed to discuss? I know it's about The Stand Bullets, but what about them? Have we got a lead?" Kira questioned, jumping straight to the point as Josefumi nodded, a stern glare in his eyes as spoke.

"Yes, it's about them. Specifically what's in them that causes the transfer from Quirk to Stand," Josefumi began as he unfolded his arms, standing straight and looking the group of three dead in their eyes, their attention on him and him alone.

"After doing a bit of analysis on the liquid compound within the bullet, our fears about what was in them were true, though that should've been obvious. It does have the virus of The Stand Arrow within it. But, that's not all. For some strange reason, it also has a Quirk factor within it. Meaning human DNA is being used to create the bullets."

As soon as that bombshell was dropped, Yoshihara's eyes widened with shock, as did Midoriya's and Karera's. "The bullets are a result of human experimentation?" Yoshihara thought, a frown appearing on her face as she bit the inside of her lip. "What kind of group would have the funds to do that? Not even a Yakuza would be that strong, not without the heroes already knowing about it, at least."

The others were having similar thoughts, though they had noticeably more distressed reactions compared to Yoshihara. The blonde looked up at Josefumi and then asked the question that was on everyone else's mind. "Do we know who it is they are using to create these bullets? If we know that, then we can locate them easily, can we not?"

Josefumi shook his head in response to the question, scowling as he looked down at the floor. "Unfortunatly, the DNA is too scrambled to actually find who it belongs to. To reverse engineer the DNA would take months, and we don't know whether or not we have that kind of time on our hands. We already know they are onto us, whoever "they" truly are. We have to be quick if we want to catch them. They could already be trying to leave and destroy whatever evidence there is to lead us to them," Josefumi paused, clenching his jaw as he looked at the ground, a quizzitive look in his eyes.

"Our only hope right now to find whoever the DNA belongs to in a reasonable amount of time is if... he wants to help us. He's in retirement now, though, so I can't really be all too certain if he's up for it. He's 86 years old now, and his ability isn't as potent as it used to be, but..."

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