Vol 6 - 6: Stain's, Vipers, and Bones - Part 2

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[Stain's, Vipers, and Bones – Part 2]

Ida was once again out on patrol with Manual. The more he stayed with the pro hero, the more he began to feel bad for using him like this. However, as he had said to himself before, he would apologize to the pro for using him the way he was once this was all over. Right now, they were walking down the same street they had done yesterday... and the day before that... and the day before that. Not that Ida minded, but it was starting to get repetitive.

He knew that this was Manual's route and that it was assigned to him. He also knew that they couldn't go beyond it per internship orders, but even so, it was beyond annoying. Although, he did get to meet quite a few people who recognized his suit. Apology after apology of what happened to Tensei, mothers who offered their condolences, and fathers who even patted him on the back. It was nice, and it warmed his heart just a little bit every time.

However, that didn't mean anything. Instead of soothing him, it gave him more credence to hunt down the bastard even more. Some of the parents were victims of the Hero Killer through the way of their children. Some even told him as such, saying that they could relate to his suffering. Which only added more fuel to the fire that burned brighter.

What was once a normal stove fire, now blossomed into a raging inferno! His deep, fiery vengeance told him that he had to make sure that the rat bastard Stain was put six feet into the ground. And that then, and only then, would the victims of the Hero Killer be able to rest properly, knowing that their killer was dead and that the families could finally stop grieving, and waiting for Justice to be upheld. That they could rest easy, knowing that the person who killed the ones they loved was gone, and could never hurt anyone else, ever again.

"For everyone he's injured... for everyone he's killed... for all the families he separated... He will know repentance!"

Ida was broken out of his thoughts by Manual speaking after a long moment of silence. "Just another day of patrolling. Sorry, it isn't more exciting," Manual said, looking from left to right, all the while Ida glanced over to yet another alleyway. He noted that nothing was there, and looked straight ahead, a tinge of annoyance creeping up on him.

"No... It's actually... better that way," Ida replied, keeping pace with Manual. For another few moments, there was more silence, until once again, Manual spoke up.

"Hey... I really hate to ask, but...." Manual paused, as Ida looked at him. Manual sighed, then finished his question. "You're after The Hero Killer, right?"

Ida felt a chill waft up his spine, clenching his right hand into a fist. "I—"

"I can't just think of another reason why you'd choose my agency. I mean, I'm thrilled that you did! Don't get me wrong! It's just..." Manual interrupted, before gaining a rather serious expression. His eyes gleamed with something dark, and intimidating, like that of an authority figure should when reprimanding someone.

"Don't let yourself be motivated by personal grudges. We heroes don't have the authority to make arrests or dole out punishment. It's only because of advances in Quirk regulation that we can use our Quirks at all. But vigilantism, regardless of the reason why you're doing it, is strictly against the rules. And if you're caught going off on your own, that's considered a major crime."

Ida did not respond to this. As far as he was concerned, what Manual said did not matter to him. But, he pretended to go along with it and nodded. Manual's eyes widened, as his serious expression dropped, before turning into a more concerned one.

"Look... that doesn't mean he should be let off scot-free. What he did to your brother.... It was wrong, and it does deserve punishment. But, at the same time... the last thing I want is to be the one responsible for calling your family to tell them that something bad happened to you. Stain's bad... really bad. He's an S-rank villain for a reason. Many heroes and heroes-in-training have sought him out to take him to justice. They usually end up crippled, or worse. So please, don't do anything reckless, Tenya."

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