Vol 10 - 3: Training Camp From Hell - Part 9

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[Beta Read by Doc43Souls]

The dark of the night made for excellent cover for covert operations. It was why nighttime was the best kind of time for villainous activity, especially in the world of heroics where being a villain was more dangerous than being a police officer. The cover of the night made things far easier, especially because most of the limelight heroes hardly ever came out during the night, leaving the bottom feeders to be the ones who had to deal with those who chose to use the cover of the night.

On the opposite side of things, it was the worst kind of time to be someone caught up in villainous activity, especially if you were the one who was the victim of it. Not only were the chances of someone powerful enough coming to take down deadly villains fairly low, but most places of healing like hospitals and medical clinics were low on staff due to most people leaving for home by 10:00 p.m.

Hence the reason Momo Yaoyorozu was on high alert. The panic that was setting in was only covered by the desperation of the need to survive. She ignored the fear and put on a brave face. The confusion she was feeling had only been masked by her slow movements and careful eye.

As she stalked forward, her right hand gripped a bo-staff she had created with enough strength to make her knuckles turn white, and the same could be said about the riot shield in her left hand. Things had been going too well for the last... 12 hours, so something was bound to go wrong. The longer she thought about how morbid that thought was, the more she began to realize her life had become nothing but a twisted, tangled mess of calamities.

Why did her time at U.A. have to be the worst? This school was supposed to be the most protected in all of the industry, and yet here she was living through yet another villain attack in less than a year.

Granted, this was off campus, but the Wild Wild Pussy Cat's HQ was so far out of the way that this went beyond it being a coincidence. There was no reason for there to be a villain attack here. The Wild Wild Pussy Cats hardly even made it past the top 100. The only reason for these villains to be here was because of their school having been here.

"And it's all because of—"

That aggravating ticking sound began to echo from the back of her mind, making her tense. She quickly dismissed the thought, whilst at the same time the ticking sound ceased. Yaoyorozu sighed. Where was she again? Ah, yes. She was complaining about her current predicament.

Things had been going well. At least, for her they were. Her Quirk training was moving swimmingly, and she felt that she was making some kind of progress. It wasn't much, but she could feel the change, even if it was minute.

And then everything went downhill from there.

The moment she smelt smoke—not from something cooking, but the kind of smoke that came from a raging forest fire—she went into full alert and began to make her way to the lodgings where they were told to go at 8:00 PM. It was 7:30 PM, so something was up. She wondered why they had to go to the lodgings at 8:00 PM, now she knew why. The staff were preparing to be attacked. They must've known something had happened, and a part of her believed it most likely had something to do with that Dabi fellow.

Speaking of that Dabi fellow. His Quirk was flame-related. She knew that he was a spy for the heroes within the League of Villains, but did he have to set the forest ablaze? Thinking about it, yeah, he probably did have to if he wanted to keep his cover. Although, that didn't change the fact that she was still miffed about the whole situation.

Seriously? Why they hadn't said anything about it to the students eluded her completely. They probably had their reasons, even if they were outlandish. That was just something she had to accept. If they allowed someone like Yoshihara Kira to stick around—that murderous freak—not telling anyone else aside from those who were in the know was something that had been expected of them.

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