Vol 8 - 2: Class 1 - A's Sticky Situation - Part 2

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[Beta Read by: Doc43Souls]

[Class 1 – A's Sticky Situation – Part 2]

It was never easy. Life, she meant. But then again, when was it ever, especially for her? At every turn, Kyoka Jirou had found the connecting tissue of life itself. Strife, anger, pain, and resentment. Be it from the bullying she endured at her old middle school because of her mutant quirk, or from the discrimination that mutant-type Quirk users faced because of their bodily changes, Kyoka had experienced it all.

Don't get her wrong, she didn't have it nearly as bad as everyone else. People like her former classmate Koda most likely had it far worse than she ever would, but the resentment was still there. She was still a mutant, no matter how similar she looked in comparison to the average person. Those who were racist against mutants didn't change their opinions just because she looked mostly normal. She was still resented for her earlobes. Nothing about that would change. Nothing at all.

Hell, she had experienced it recently right after the USJ attack. Had she not been saved by the person who she now understood to have been Blackwell, she might not have been here right now. She would've been killed for having had extendable earlobes in the form of Earphone Jacks.

Strife was a key component in her life because of her mutant quirk, so much so that before going to U.A., everyone except for a few teachers had practically made it their mission to make her life suck as much as possible. She was only able to remember most of that because he had been off of those strange memory pills her mother made her take.

A part of her wanted to take those pills again, to forget all of that. But another vocal part of her mind told her that those pills had been making her quality of life worse than what it was now. Which made no sense. How did remembering all of that horrible stuff that had happened to her better her quality of life?

Whatever, not that it mattered. She no longer had to worry about her Quirk and how it would affect her going forward because she no longer had it. She was a Stand User now, so it didn't matter anymore. But though it wouldn't affect her in the future, the impact it had on her life from the past stayed the same. She guessed, in an unjust kind of karmic retribution, her life still ended up in shambles, just like those people of her past wanted it to be.

Anger, the second part of the connecting tissue of life, was another thing that she had come to deal with in the past. Anger at her for being different. Anger at her for having a mutant Quirk. Her peers felt anger towards her for "being different." Even in a world of superpowers, mutants weren't seen as normal.

Although, now, she no longer needed to worry about that. She no longer needed to worry about the anger her mutant Quirk caused, because she no longer had it. From that aspect of her life, she was now free, even if it was completely unwillingly.

Speaking of anger, it could also be flipped nowadays. Her temper had only gotten worse as the years had gone by. Her penchant for lashing out at those who slighted her had begun to get worse. Not that she was complaining. She actually kind of liked it. To watch those who had slighted her in the past and in the future be under her boot, begging for mercy.

It was still a problem, though. That much she knew. Even if it made her smile from ear to ear to see those who troubled her to get what they fucking deserve. If she could go back in time and protect her past self, she would. But then, that wouldn't get her to this point in her life, so it was a double-edged sword.

Although to be fair, any position she would end up in because of her messing with the past would be better than this. Just because it no longer stemmed from her mutant Quirk, that didn't mean she didn't face another form of anger. The anger simply pivoted in direction, and that direction was her current situation with her "master."

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