Vol 9 - 5: The Training Camp From Hell - Part 3

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[Beta Read by Doc43Souls]

[Training Camp of Hell – Part 3]

When Yoshihara awoke, she felt strange. Tired, but not at the same time. It must've been because of the gas that was used, but either way, that hardly mattered now. The seat she had sat in was away from everyone else, so thankfully she didn't wake up embarrassed.

She felt a pain in her neck, though it was most likely from how she slept, and her body was also rigid as a result, though that quickly changed when she sat up properly and stretched out her arms and back. She hadn't slept sitting up for quite some time, and it was clear her body wasn't used to it, nor did she like it all that much.

At the blonde's feet was her suitcase, though it was knocked over rather than standing like she had set it to be before they left. She guessed that the bus made a rather sharp turn at one point, and it fell over as a result. And because Yoshihara hadn't woken up from it when normally she would've, that just went to show just how potent Nemuri's Quirk was—or at least this particular version of it. Her Quirk had been weakening because of the medication she was taking to curb the side effects caused by her Somnambulist, and it showed.

Even before she started living in the dormitory with Class 1 – A, Yoshihara noticed that Nemuri would come home with more bruises, cuts, and even bandages most likely hiding burns or gouges, more so than she used to. Nowadays, while she was living at the dormitory, Yoshihara noticed that Nemuri spent most of her time on campus rather than going out to do patrols and the like unless she had backup.

Yoshihara knew Nemuri was considering retiring because of the drug she had to take, and it seemed as if she was now getting into the habit of not doing hero work as often. If Nemuri was retiring, that brought a lot of questions to the blonde's mind. None of which were important right now. She just hoped this wasn't her fault — Nemuri's early retirement, that was.

After a few moments of having been stopped, a cacophony of groans filled the bus, meaning that everyone else were slowly waking up. From what she knew, Nemuri's Quirk originally lasted around an hour, so that meant the drive from U.A. to wherever they were had been an hour long, on the dot.

While she knew it was needed for security reasons, why couldn't they have been told to take some melatonin before leaving instead of being gassed? Maybe it was because Aizawa didn't want them waking up due to being jolted by the bus turning. That was a possibility, and from that angle it made sense.

"Whatever, I doubt the little details matter. All that matters is that we're here."

Standing up from where she had sat the entire ride, Yoshihara walked into the corridor of the bus, before making her way to the exit, dragging her suitcase behind her, with everyone else doing much the same; some were carrying their suitcases, while others had wheels attached to them, much like Yoshihara's. The door to the bus opened, and when it did, everyone came pouring out.

Yoshihara was greeted by a blinding flash of light thanks to the sun, and it made her squint. Putting a hand over her eyes, the blonde grumbled as her feet made contact with the ground. One by one, everyone marched their way out of the bus, standing wherever the hell it was that they had arrived at.

"Damn, that was probably one of the worst sleeps I've had in a while," Ojiro grumbled.

"It wasn't pleasant," Mezou murmured, yawning as Kirishima said something, though Yoshihara ignored it. Instead, she focused on approximating where it was they had been dragged to. She looked out to where it was they had found themselves, and found it more than a little strange. It was a cliffside that overlooked a massive, outstretching forest. It was only because she was with Class 1 – A and their teacher that she trusted this place even remotely. Otherwise, she would've begun to freak out.

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