Vol 5 - 8: Meeting The Joestars - Part 2

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[Meeting The Joestars – Part 2]

Jonathon Kujo, better known as Johnny Kujo, just got off the phone with one of the bodyguards aboard the private jet he sent to pick up Joseph and his long-lost niece, Yoshihara; and he was none too happy about what the conversation had been about. He had been assured that the people he hired would be able to keep his new interns safe, and yet, here he was, after just getting off the phone with the guards saying that the worst had happened.

Thankfully, nothing bad happened to the two, but still. The fact that it happened at all, especially after he had been assured that nothing would happen was more than enough to set him into a bad mood.

According to Satoshi Jennings, a long-time friend and employee of the Speedwagon Foundation, someone had killed Ayuma Fukazawa, assumed his identity so well that no one noticed, and attempted to kill his son and niece. They were a Stand user, obviously, and they had an ability that locked those affected by it in their minds. Of course, Joseph and Yoshihara came out on top, but that still didn't change the fact that someone ordered a hit on his family.

It had been a long time since that had happened. He should've assumed that it would happen again, but still. He thought that his lifetime of fighting and his track record of making examples of those who thought it funny to go after his family would've kept his family safe and deter anyone who had the bright idea to go after his family. But, apparently, there were still some people out there who didn't catch the memo.

He remembered the last Stand Fight he got into. It was 13 years ago when Joseph was three years old. An assassin sent by some bitter old rival of his tried to kill his son for revenge. The assassin found out the hard way why aside from his Hero name Joekid, he was known as the Guardian Devil. The bitter old rival hadn't been who he thought it was, but it was still surprising. It had been some asshat named Smitten.

Smitten never saw the light of day again after that. Jonathon pulled some strings with his governmental connections to make the man "disappear." His family was told that he was killed in a car accident, and that was the end of that. Just because he was a hero didn't mean he wasn't going to abuse his connections to make sure his family was safe. After all, he was a bureaucrat. He would do whatever it took to ensure his family was safe, even if it meant he had to use his power against those of who he was supposed to protect.

Younger him would call him a monster. But then again, the younger him didn't know what he had been through in his adulthood. Sure, his childhood was shitty, and the less he talked about his Aunt and Uncle, the better. All that said, he wasn't going to fail his family. He couldn't afford to.

As for the assassin, unfortunatly, the man had killed himself before anyone could "ask" him any questions. What was worse was that he didn't leave behind any evidence suggesting who it could be who hired him in the first place, or if he could have been from some Yakuza Group who wanted them dead seeing as the man was Japanese.

However, according to Joseph, he thought there to be a chance for it to be related to the Stand Bullets that they had been looking into. And now that someone had tried to kill them for going too deep into it, Johnny had to agree. That, and now that someone was willing to kill them, he didn't want them to send the wrong message by forcing them to back away. It was clear they were on the back foot, and they were threatened.

As much as he didn't want to endanger his kid and his niece, if it wasn't for them then they wouldn't have gotten this close—at least, he thought so anyway. That, and they were in too deep, and he doubted that backing out was an option now. They were too invested in this enhanced version of the Stand Arrow to back out now.

Plus, he wanted to kill the person who dared to try and kill his family. No one and he meant no one, was allowed to get away with endangering his family. While he couldn't be on the move due to his position unless he had free time. If he had a chance to get his hands on them, he would tear them apart.

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