Vol 10 - 2: Training Camp From Hell - Part 8

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[Beta Read by: Doc43Souls]

Standing over a cliffside deep within the remote forest area of the Wild Wild Pussy Cat HQ, as the cold chill of the night blew in the winds, Touya Todoroki, otherwise known as Dabi, frowned. The Vampire had been too eager to begin his hunt, so he ran off before Dabi could give the signal. A part of Touya wanted nothing more than to blast the bastard with his Cremation when he ran off, but he knew it would've been an exercise in futility.

The fire-user doubted that anyone could've held that bastard back, which was as annoying as it was the truth. He wasn't stupid enough to think he could order The Vampire around, even if it was a massive inconvenience that he had started things all by himself. Still, though, it would've been nice if he had waited for his signal before running off.

"Hrrr.... C'mon! That freak got to start! I'm itching to get going, let's hurry up and move!" A large cloaked figure said, his voice brimming with rage as he clenched and opened his fist repeatedly. He wore a mask similar to Gunheads, and with the hood over his head, it was hard to identify the man. Though Dabi knew who he was, it still irked him something fierce, not that he was complaining. Not that he could do anything about it. In response, a boy wearing a gakuran-style uniform, equipped with a gas mask, gun, and backpack that contained an oxygen tank huffed, his voice muffled due to the mask.

"That vampire is in a league of his own. Of course, he would start early. For him, moving this early doesn't matter. For us, though... his action means we have to start early if we ever have a chance at completing our mission. So while I don't agree... we should start moving, Dabi."

Touya huffed, blue flames flickering in his right hand. He was still annoyed he had to play his part, but it was all for the undercover mission. His cerulean eyes narrowed, glancing behind him. Everyone had already split off into different groups, all of which were hiding in the forest somewhere. That was the plan that they had concocted. While it was a little frustrating that he didn't have a visual on them, the others knew when to start. That was when Dabi set the forest ablaze.

Still, though, it felt a little off. Not having everyone here to affirm their goals. But then again, those were Shigaraki's orders. Dabi might be the one in charge of the mission, but Shigaraki had the final say. Regardless of what Dabi wanted. "Let's see... Twice, Spinner and a clone of me were sent to the west to spread the fires about. Silencer, Magne and Moonfish went to get into position out in the east for their part to play in all of this. Meanwhile, The Nomu wandered off with orders to keep the Pro's distracted up in the north. That leaves us with the south..."

Dabi looked over to his crew. It wasn't exactly a hodge-podge of individuals, but not team-worthy. The only people here who had chemistry in terms of their abilities and Quirks were Toga and Mustard, but even then they didn't like each other, which meant teaming up was not a possibility, at least not entirely.

The group he was left with was much to be desired, but he had to make do with what he had. Even if it was a little upsetting that he didn't get to completely order the Nomu about like that strange doctor from behind the TV screen had suggested he do. Even so, his group was still really strong, all things considered.

First, there was Mr. Compress. The showman of the group, and it was apparent by how he dressed. A mask, a top hat with a rainbow feather sticking out from the right hand corner, and his long-sleeved inclosed brown trench coat. His Quirk, Compress, was quite frankly one of the terrifying in the group if not the most.

That might have sounded like hyperbole, but when you really stopped to think about it, it was horrifying. While sure, Shigaraki's Quirk - Decay was terrifying with its raw destructive power, it was loud and it was noticeable. Compress, on the other hand, was different. It was quiet, completely untraceable, and unless Mr. Compress told you what was going to happen, you wouldn't know what hit you.

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