Vol 5 - 6: Hero Names!

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[Hero Names!]

Yoshihara woke up with a headache. Now, that wasn't exactly common, seeing as those headaches were usually a result of not doing her nightly routine. How well she slept the previous night depended on whether or not she did her usual routine of stretches and drinking her warm glass of milk. But last night went a little bit... differently. The reason? Well, she was sleeping next to him.

When her eyes opened, she was greeted with a head of green hair, and the sound of soft snoring coming from her boyfriend, Izuku Midoriya. That sentence alone made her mind do a backflip. The idea of her, having a boyfriend made zero sense to Yoshihara, especially considering what it was she used to do for a living. But, she had decided to leave that all in the past. She was going to leave everything negative that had happened to her in the past and push forward to face the future.

Yoshihara knew that clinging to the past was only going to make things worse for her. This was a new chapter in her life, and the last thing she wanted to do was breathe life into those old wounds. She had let those memories fester and take control of her before, and she didn't want that to happen again. Yoshihara didn't want to be chained by her past.

Before, she didn't think that healing would work, that all it would do was blur the lines between reality and what happened and that it would be tantamount to ignoring the issue altogether. Although, recently, that had changed. That mindset of hers changed. And it was all things to Izuku.

It was funny because before she met Izuku, her life had been comparable to a heap of trash burning in a dumpster. Sure, she had a few good things going for her back then, but they were small straws compared to everything else.

But with Izuku by her side... maybe, just maybe she could finally move past it all. With that new mindset, with the fact that she could let go of all of that nonsense, the first step to do that was to get up, greet the new day with open arms, and get ready for school.

Although truth be told, Yoshihara didn't want to get up. She was comfortable right where she was, hugging Izuku's waist, her body pressed up against his as they shared in each other's warmth. But, much to her chagrin, she had to get up, which annoyed her. Normally, Yoshihara wouldn't fight the idea of getting up early in the morning. But today was different, as were a lot of things lately.

Resting her forehead on Izuku's rear shoulder, she groaned. Unfortunatly, there was school. That was something that she couldn't ignore, even if it inconvenienced her in many, many ways. A frustrated sigh followed the tired groan, the blonde closing her eyes again as she mustered up the energy to talk. "Izuku... it's time to get up...." Yoshihara murmured, Izuku stirring awake as a result of her talking and saying the five magic words.

"Huh...?" Izuku groaned, the green-haired teen shifting in place for a split second. She could tell he was also JUST waking up, and that he didn't want to get out of bed either. But, alas, neither had a choice. Yoshihara moved her head out of the way as Izuku turned his whole body around, slowly sitting up as he wiped the sleep out of his eyes. "Oh... alright.... Morning, Yoshihara.... What time is it?"

The blonde sat up, pulling the covers over her chest as she glanced over to the clock on the dresser. In bright red letters, the electric clock read the time as 7:00 a.m. Yoshihara wasn't too worried about the time. They had until 8:25 at the earliest, but even still, 7:00 a.m. was cutting it close. "It's an hour and a half before we have to be at school. There are some more clothes you can change into in the drawers that'll fit you. Get changed, then get out so I can get changed."

Izuku nodded, flipping the covers off of his body and hopping out of bed. Yoshihara had to avert her eyes for her boyfriend's modesty. She didn't want to get worked up again, especially after last night. She hadn't expected him to be so rough with her, especially considering that he was still a meek, shy nerd, who had a pension for being heroic.

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