Vol 6 - 3: Internships, and Choices - Part 1

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[Internships, and choices – Part 1]

U.A. High was rather empty around this time of year. But then again, that was on purpose. It was Internships, and those not in any of the hero-related courses, I.E. General Studies, were on break due to school policy. However, they were sent home with enough schoolwork to tie them over till Final Exam season, just so that they wouldn't be slacking off.

This left the school feeling a touch empty, except for the staff, who were busy setting up for final exams. However, while all of the other staff members who weren't leading their internships were off doing that, there was a pair of individuals within the breakroom of U.A. High, both of them needing the peace and quiet for the topic that they were covering. Those two being Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi and Toshinori Yagi.

Both were wearing similar outfits, white shirts, and black ties though Tsukauchi's had white stripes going through it to break up the constant black, and black pants held by a belt. The two sat across from one another at a table, Toshinori on a couch, and Tsukauchi on a stool. They were five feet apart, and both had a relaxed yet tired demeanour about them.

"It's not often that you come here, Tsukauchi-kun, at least, not unless it's urgent," Toshinori said, his tone low as he stared at the detective, who was slack in his chair, arms lazily resting against his legs as a small smile appeared on the man's face.

"You'd be correct in guessing that, Yagi-kun. This has to do with two things, the first being more pressing, while the second is about one of your students," Tsukauchi said as Toshinori's brows furrowed.

"One of my students...?" Toshinori asked as Tsukauchi sighed.

"The one with a record, Yagi-kun," Tsukauchi stated bluntly, making the man sigh.

"Ah... Young Kira. I see. Well, let's tackle the first thing, though. You said it was more pressing, yes? So, what is it?" Yagi asked as Tsukauchi nodded, clearing his throat.

"Right. So. Do you remember when I said we'd get a DNA analysis done on Nomu?" Tsukauchi queried, making Toshinori hum in thought.

"A DNA analysis on Nomu...?" the blond pro hero murmured, rubbing his pointed chin in thought as Tsukauchi nodded.

"Don't worry, I'm not asking for your help with the investigation, if that was even a problem, to begin with," Tsukauchi said reassuringly, Toshinori huffing, but remaining silent. Tsukauchi smirked, his expression returning to something more neutral. "Now, technically, this is leaking information. However, I figured that what we came up with is something that you have to know, especially regarding what the information is about."

A pit formed in Toshinori's stomach. The overtly professional tone that Tsukuachi was using meant that he was more serious than ever. It had been a while since Tsukauchi had used that tone with Toshinori. In fact, the last time he remembered him using it was when some evidence existed to say that All For One was still alive. However, thanks to his brother outright stating it earlier, Yagi knew without a shadow of a doubt that All For One was still around.

But even then, All Might clung to a false sense of hope. Back when they were kids, Taisuke had a habit of lying to scare him when they were younger. Now, granted, he hadn't seen Taisuke in a long time, but even so, if he was even a fraction of the same person that Toshinori knew him to be, then there was a chance that Taisuke was lying to him.

"Yagi? Are you okay? You went a little pale," Tsukauchi asked as Toshinori cleared his throat.

"Sorry, I was just thinking about something. Go on?" Toshinori replied as Tsukauchi nodded.

"Right. Now, as I was saying. We're on the Ringleader's trail," Tsukauchi said, Toshinori's eyes widening slightly as the detective continued. "We've been trying all sorts of tests since then. From what we've tested so far, it's not just that he can't speak, he doesn't react to anything... there's not a thought in his head. So, we just ran a DNA test to find out what we could about his origins."

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