Vol 2 - 2: Congratulations! Kira Yoshihara!

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[Revised Chapter Posted on – 2023-07-23]

[Congratulations, Kira Yoshihara!]

Yoshihara sunk deeper into the hot tub, only allowing her nose and her forehead to stick out above the water. The hot water relaxed her muscles and soothed her skin in such a way that a shower never could. Within a shower, the heat was brief, but within the hot tub—as the name suggested—it was like her entire body was being relaxed all at once.

Nemuri was right, it was rather relaxing to have the hot water up against her bare skin—not to mention the added jets on her back felt even better. She hadn't felt this relaxed since, well since the day she had finished her training with Nemuri. She couldn't really think of a reason why she hadn't done this before. The only thing that came to mind was simply not being comfortable skinny-dipping under the same roof as Nemuri.

Speaking of Nemuri, why on Earth was she so comfortable being nude all the time? Was it another side-effect of her Quirk, or just because she was more comfortable with herself? Whatever the case was, Yoshihara didn't care. What Nemuri did in her own time was what Nemuri did.

Yoshihara closed her eyes, allowing the warm water to embrace her. She felt safe in the hot tub confides, much like she had felt in the shower. And the best part? She didn't have to get out for any reason. Yoshihara knew Nemuri wasn't going to be home for a while, so she had enough time to relax in the hot tub until the sun came down.

She felt her rear sit against the flooring of the hot tub, which wasn't at all that deep, keeping her nose and forehead above water. She had wrapped her arms around her legs and sat there, quietly. For the first time in a long time, Yoshihara had completely dropped her guard.

The only time that she ever dropped her guard in full was when she felt the most secure. Those times that she felt like that were very few and far between. Not even in that old apartment that she used to live in had she ever dropped her guard.

The last time she had dropped her guard, it nearly cost her not only her life but her dignity. This was far before she had the displeasure of battling against Taro Tatsugi. Another time she wished to fully push it out of her mind, but would go on to haunt her for the rest of her life.

But that was enough of that. She wasn't here to mope about the past. She was here to relax, feel secure, and wash away the aches and pains.

Security was a very important thing for Yoshihara, a thing that up until recently, she never had for the longest time. The only times she ever felt safe and not on edge was when she was around Otoshi, Akira, and Otoshi's girlfriend Sayaka.

Despite all of them having connections to the porn industry, they were all extremely hands-to-themselves. You'd think that those who practically ran the porn industry within Musutafu wouldn't be like that, that they'd be more like their customers, but that couldn't have been further from the truth.

She remembered when she first moved into the upstairs living quarters at Akira's Strip Club—Shakedown House if she recalled correctly—Sayaka and Otoshi were living up there. Sayaka acted like a big sister to Yoshihara from the ages of 12 to 14. It was only when she was 14 years old that Sayaka and Otoshi moved into their new penthouse in Osaka.

Had it not been for Sayaka, and had it not been for Otoshi, she wouldn't have been stuck out for this long. She figured she would've moved on to someplace else. She probably would've never met Nemuri and from there never met Izuku.

She would have never.... Yoshihara cut off that train of thought, squeezing her eyes shut harder than she normally did. "Banish them. Banish those vile thoughts..." The blonde thought, frowning as she tried to relax, keeping her guard down as she was able to return to a somewhat peaceful state.

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