Vol 3 - 1: Malfunction in the Junction - Part 1

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[Malfunction In The Junction – Part 1]

A hooded figure walked down the side of the road, headphones over their ears as they tapped their right index finger against their pant leg. The person in question was listening to music on their commute to a local music store they frequented. It was no surprise that Kyoka liked going to that particular store, as it was one of the only ones in Okinawa that served Mutants like herself.

Seriously, how hard was it for her to just go to whatever store she wanted? It's not like her mutation was anything out of the ordinary. The city was supposedly more friendly to mutants, at least so she heard from those who moved from the countryside. If that was the case, then she wanted nothing to do with those country bumpkins. Hero she may soon be, but the last thing she wanted to deal with was that.

Speaking of things she didn't quite want to deal with.... Two days ago, with the USJ incident. She couldn't get it out of her head. One moment they were going to be doing rescue training. The next minute they were forced into combat to protect their own lives. She remembered being teleported to the Mountain Zone, surrounded by Villains.

She remembered being given a sword by Yaoyorozu, though she never particularly used it. She mostly used her boots to generate soundwaves to make sure the Villains didn't get too close. Then that idiot Kaminari used his lightning and screwed things up, only ending up empowering the villain that also had an electricity Quirk.

In that moment of desperation, and in that moment of panic and fear... that was when she used the Katana. It was all a blur to her now, but from what she did remember, she knew that she had chopped off that villain's index and pinky fingers. At least, she thought that was what she did, anyway.

The only thing that Kyoka could distinctly remember was that when she saw his blood she... she acted differently. And that was where it stopped for her. After that, her mind fogged over. Although she knew that she didn't kill him, however, she did rough him up a bit. She was actually one of the people the police heavily questioned due to the amount of blood that was on her clothes when the rescue happened.

She distinctly remembered Yaoyorozu calling her "scary" after that incident. She tried asking Yaoyorozu what she meant, and the only thing that she said in return was that "your eyes were different than they were before. You stopped being nice. You ordered us around, and you became very, very violent."

That... wasn't normal. Kyoka knew that and understood that it wasn't normal, even for her. But when she asked her mother, the woman completely shut down and told her to take her pills. She did, and that was what brought her here, wandering the streets and heading toward her favourite music store.

Again, the pills. What was with those pills? What were they suppressing? Why did her mom want her to take them? And moreover, why was her Dad so against her taking them?

Her Dad was a kind, caring man, but he couldn't act for shit. She knew he was merely putting up with the pills. Clearly, he was against them, but why? What was her mom forcing her to forget? She wanted to know, but Kyoka knew she would never get the answer as to what it was. All she knew was that it had something to do with her attempted suicide.

"But... if that was the case, then what does me lashing out at a villain have to do with it?" Kyoka thought as the song Believer played through her headset. She was quite the fan of pre-Quirk Era songs, specifically ones from America and Canada.

She didn't know what it was, but Japanese music never did it for her. She had tried to get into some niche rock bands from her fatherland, but she never really liked them all too much. Too depressing, and way too nihilistic if you asked her.

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