Vol 7 - 1: In Loving Memory

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[In Loving Memory]

What was normally a bright and sunny, warm summer's day, had been replaced by something more depressing. June was usually a month filled with smiles and happy times. Summer was the season of love, next to which was spring in the 'lovey-dovey' meter. The two months represented happier times. The warmer it gets, the brighter someone's day would be. Activities are plentiful within the summertime, but even so, just because Summer can be full of joyous activities, today was not such a day.

Out in the middle of The Musutafu National Cemetery, the sounds of rain pattering against a black umbrella rang throughout the empty place of mourning. Four people stood in front of one grave, while over in the distance, around about 18 other people stood at another one. Both graves belonged to two people, two very important people, at least to the people visiting them.

One of the people in the group of five, Yoshihara Kira, looked down at the grave in front of her with an indifferent expression on her face, not for the lack of trying to muster up something else, but it was the best that she could do. Emotions were never her strong suit, outside of anger, so even though deep down in her heart, grief wrought her heart, she could not express it, even if it would've killed her not to.

The blonde teen was wearing a black button-down jacket, with a black shirt underneath, and a black pair of pants. She even went as far as to wear a black wide-brim flat-top fedora to cover her usually bright hair. The umbrella was there to prevent her from getting soaked. That, and wearing black to a graveyard was more respectful than wearing any other colour. It showed respect. And she had a lot of respect for the person that was buried in front of her.

The grave in question belonged to someone who had no right to be dead. Someone who was brave, someone who she had misjudged entirely a few months ago. And while the two never really interacted, it hardly mattered. Why? Because they didn't need to interact, to know that they would've had each other's backs, regardless of the situation.

The grave read as follows:

Here Lies: Inko Midoriya

A loving, caring, sweet mother, who did everything to protect her family. She will be missed by all of those who loved her.

2083 – 2124

To the right of Yoshihara, stood two people, both of whom were also adorned in black. Karera Sakunami, and Josefumi Kujo. They were both wearing black suits and ties, both of which they had already owned before this. Both were also holding black umbrellas.

And then, to Yoshihara's left, squeezing her hand like it was his life support, was her boyfriend. Izuku Midoriya. Son of Inko Midoriya. He too was also wearing all black, wearing a similar suit to Josefumi's and Karera's. He was also wearing a hat to cover his bright hair, one similar to Yoshihara's. He also had an umbrella so that he didn't get soaked, either.

They stood over the grave, remaining in silence. No one wanted to talk, because the mood did not allow for it. However, deep down, everyone had the same feelings regarding the situation. Hate. They hated the fact that this happened, Izuku moreso than anyone else for very obvious reasons.

They already knew who the person was who killed Inko because their body was also found dead next to her, with a butcher's knife lodged into the back of their neck. Izuku even recognized the person, being the same person who had attacked him in that noodle shop before the Sports Festival. Deep down, everyone who was standing there felt nothing but hatred toward that person. But no one said a word.

However, there was one outlier, one person who was standing there, a hand gripped so hard on their umbrella that it was under threat of snapping in half. Someone who had no knowledge of Inko's killer, or who had any knowledge as to why Josefumi and Karera knew Inko, but regardless, that part didn't matter.

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