Vol 9 - 2: The Final Exams - Part 6

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[Beta Read by Doc43Souls]

The plan was simple, at least, Izuku reckoned it would be anyway. He and Kujo were going to split up, which at first seemed dumb, but in reality, it wasn't. See, Kujo's job was to make sure that Star and Stripe couldn't use her Quirk by the way of Plunder. Izuku's job was to keep her distracted long enough to do that. Should Izuku fail to do that and thereby fail the exam—because he was not going to get backup if someone of All Might's calibre, or potentially higher, beat him into submission—It was Kujo's job to make a break for it and exit the faux city, giving him the win and allowing him to go to the training camp.

At least, that was how it should have gone. Because almost immediately, the moment Josefumi and Izuku stepped into the faux city, the road that was connected to the entrance of the examination grounds began to turn into liquid. And it wasn't a metaphor, either, it was quite literal.

Izuku and Josefumi immediately felt as if they had fallen into waist-high water. Because they did. The only difference was that this wasn't water, but the street which they were all but forced to walk on during the beginning of the exam.

The gate opened to a wide street, and now, that street had become compromised. Which only made Izuku question just what Star and Stripe's Quirk was. Wasn't it Super Strength? Or did she just have that innate amount of physical ability? The green-haired boy knew that Americans were strange, but this was a whole new level of strange!

The moment they sank into the ground, Josefumi summoned Soft & Wet and pulled himself along with Izuku out of the liquified street mere seconds before it resolidified into a squishy, bouncy substance, causing the two to begin to uncontrollably bounce.

Izuku was confused, bamboozled, and caught completely off guard. Josefumi, on the other hand, was annoyed and frustrated. Izuku couldn't see Soft & Wet, but he could feel it grab his wrist and fling him onto the solid sidewalk, and upon stepping onto solid land, Izuku was only given a brief moment to catch his breath. Why? Because the onslaught didn't end there.

Only mere seconds into the starting the "fight" they were immediately being bombarded by what appeared to be jello street creatures forming out of the road, all with haunting blue eyes. They were tall, easily around 5 foot 9 inches, and they looked like they were built like mountains. It was almost as if they were staring down miniature All Mights! And then, just as the pair got into a fighting stance, one of them began to talk in the same voice as Star and Stripe.

"Having fun yet, rookies!" The street muck creature asked rhetorically, as it charged. Soft & Wet met it halfway, Josefumi narrowing his eyes in annoyance as the two fists of the creature and his Stand collided, leaving a small burst of wind in its wake. Three more creatures were created out of the street, and so, Izuku charged up Full Cowling as well as took in a deep breath, allowing Hamon to flow through his body similarly to Full Cowling.

As a result, it felt as if his body was warming up, like standing in front of a heater, just without getting dowsed in sweat. He felt muscles begin to harden slightly, and for his heart to beat a tad bit faster. He could feel his blood coursing through his veins, and on top of that his hands began to glow with bright yellow energy, followed by yellow streaks of light flowing off of his pupils.

This was something he had called – One For All, Full Cowling 12%: Sunshine.

Because Hamon had been described as being the power of the sun in the palm of someone's hand, it only made sense for him to give it that naming scheme. And, he also would admit, that he had been slightly influenced by Yoshihara showing him something called The Seven Deadly Sins, mainly because of Escanor and his ability to literally produce miniature suns.

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