Vol 1 - 6: Our Mission! Let's Be Heroes - Part 1

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[Original Chapter Published - February 6th, 2022]

[Revised Chapter Published - January 7th, 2023]

[Secondary Revision of the chapter published – June 15th, 2023]

[Third Revision of the chapter published - April 19th, 2024]

If one were to ask the common folk of Musutafu what they would describe their city to be, the most common answer would be "diverse". Be it because of the various types of food chains, the variety of Quirks, or the fact that Musutafu was known to be The City Of The Mutants or, the less offensive term, The Accepting City. All walks of life, no matter their physical appearance, should be free to live within Musutafu.

And in a country such as Japan, where Xenophobia and Racism against Mutant Quirked individuals were on the rise due to the sudden shift in opinion regarding those with Mutant Quirks—no thanks to The Creature Rejection Clan, or the CRC for short, a city like Musutafu was sorely needed.

But, even in a city where Mutants were accepted, that didn't stop acts of hate from occurring from time to time. Case in point, what was happening across the street from a local McDonalds, where a group of clean-shaven men surrounded something or someone. All of them were dressed in black, leather coats with the CRC's logo on the back, which was of a lizard's face with three slash-marks going through the center of it, encapsulated with a circle. They also wore black leather pants and combat boots.

It was the policy of the CRC to always wear black among their ranks. Only the highest in charge could wear white clothing. And they also had to be clean-shaven, to show that every kind of mutation, even hair was discouraged. Men, women, children, it didn't matter. Being a human with hair to them was considered a mutation. It was unnatural. Impure.

Another policy of the CRC was that their faces had to be covered to some extent so that no one could identify them. The same applied to this group of individuals, their faces covered by black-painted ski masks, only revealing their multi-coloured eyes. From left to right, there were blue eyes, red eyes, and brown eyes.

And the person who they were surrounding, on the other hand, was just a little kid. A young boy who happened to have butterfly wings and antee. He was dressed in a white and yellow stripped shirt, a pair of blue shorts and grey socks with white slip-on sneakers, and he had black hair with rainbow-coloured eyes, a side effect of his Quirk. The young boy had wandered off from his mother, who had taken him to the arcade nearby.

It was unfortunate that he ran into these men, who were staring him down, after having shoved him down, a bruise forming on his face as he huddled against the wall, shivering in fear. The one in the center, the one with red eyes, scowled under his ski mask, blowing hot air out from underneath his mask.

"Oi, Jugo, whaddya think we should do? We got a freak on our hands," Red Eyes said as Jugo, the man with blue eyes, smirked underneath his mask, reaching out to the boy, and picking him up from the scruff of his neck. The boy screamed in fear, only to be smacked by Red Eyes. "Quiet, brat."

The boy whimpered as Jugo scoffed. "We could rip his ugly wings off and burn'em later. Cleanse him of his wretched mutation."

"Yeah, and his antee, too!" Brown Eyes added as Red Eyes chuckled.

"Good idea, Kazuichi. Ya hear that kid? We're gonna help ya. Let's get rid of that awful Qui—"

"Put. The kid. Down," a monotone, borderline furious voice interrupted Red Eyes, who glanced over in the direction of where it came from. The voice belonged to a young girl, around sixteen years old. She was around five feet flat, and her most defining feature was her extended earlobes with earphone jacks attached to them.

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