Vol 5 - 5: Date Night (18 +)

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[Date Night]

If Yoshihara was a lesser person, she'd say that the final battle in The Sports Festival was rigged and that her opponent, Izuku Midoriya, cheated somehow; that he had kept something from here that allowed him to win. But, Yoshihara was not a lesser person. And while she was a little annoyed as to how Izuku won, she accepted it.

Besides, second place wasn't exactly the worst thing in the world. Not to mention, even if she got first place, it wouldn't have mattered to her. All it was to her was a title. It meant nothing to her. Even though she was unperturbed by not placing first place, that still didn't change the fact that her pride took a bit of a hit after losing, and on live TV no less!

Oh well, not that it mattered. Her reputation with the public was already in tatters. Even if she won, what would it matter if there was a fancy number next to her name? What purpose would it serve? Make a few of those people who spewed hate about her heel turn and say they always supported her. If that was the case, then those people were hollow individuals, and she did not want their support.

She supposed, however, that if worse came to worse, she could always do something that counter-balanced the negative reputation she had garnered. She doubted that what Aizawa-sensei said before her and Izuku's match swayed anyone's opinion. As a matter of fact, the media was outraged that she had gotten any kind of spotlight, especially considering her "past crimes."

However, in a funny turn of events, the websites that were continuing to spew hate about her found themselves taken down by not only U.A. for slander but also by The Speedwagon Foundation. U.A. she could understand. She was a student at the school, and any slander directed toward one of their students would not be taken lightly. But The Speedwagon Foundation? That made no sense. Though, she didn't mind the help.

At the moment, though, that hardly mattered. She had more pressing matters to attend to. One of those being the very thing that she had suggested be done tonight.

What was that exactly? Well, she was getting ready for her date with Izuku Midoriya.

Currently, Yoshihara was standing in front of the mirror in the suite's bathroom, brushing her hair to make it look less messy, changing it from the bunched-up bob that she had into a set of flowing locks that reached down to the base of her neck, her bangs having swept to the left instead of messily hanging haphazardly straight-down.

She had just stepped out of a shower not even thirty seconds ago, and this was the best time to do up her hair. Also, she wasn't about to go on a date smelling like she had climbed out of a dumpster; that was just bad hygiene, as well as just plain rude. The same went with Izuku. He too went home to get ready for later tonight, and as far as she was concerned, that was a good call.

And so, here she was, staring at her reflection with a brush in hand. She had dried herself off moments ago. Her skin was still wet, but only in a few areas like under her armpits and some parts of her arms. Tried as she might, they just wouldn't dry out normally. So, she guessed she'd just have to let it dry naturally.

There was a hint of nervousness creeping around in her chest. Never in her life had she ever been on a date. Ironic, considering that she wasn't a virgin. Her life before this made sure of that, much to her chagrin. Even so, for her first date, she was kind of happy it was someone who could understand her, even if he didn't know about her underlying mental issue.

Sociopathic people, as numerous doctors have told her in the past, couldn't feel love, or emotion in general. If that was the case, then how did she ever learn to love Izuku? Moreover, how did she learn to love in general? If it was impossible for people with sociopathy to love, then how could she?

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