Vol 7 - 2: Dorm Life? New Classes?! What!? - Part 1

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[Dorm Life? New Classes?! What!? – Part 1]

It had been a week since the events of their internships. What was supposed to be a time to practice being in the field of heroes, was spent mourning the loss of a friend, a classmate, a mother, and an ally. But, for Yoshihara, Izuku, Josefumi, and Karera, the last week hadn't been that it had been something else.

Despite everyone taking time off to grieve, Yoshihara and Izuku knew that stopping their search or letting their guards down, was a bad idea. Especially considering who they were now up against—that being an entire criminal organization, one possibly bigger than even The League of Villains. And with the resources they had, dropping their guard was a surefire way of committing Suicide.

And so, the pair had devoted themselves to learning more and more about Damnatio Ad Bestias. If they could get any form of information on them or at least a hint at who worked for them, they would at least have something other than a name, a product, and a few dead guys who weren't helping much.

As they both expected, nothing came up when looking up the name of the group. The only thing that they got were Wikipedia articles dating back to the pre-Quirk era, teaching them about what "Damned by the Beasts" meant in ancient Latin. While it wasn't what they were looking for, it did provide them with one answer: finding information on these guys wasn't going to be an easy task—which they assumed to be the case anyway.

According to Josefumi and Karera, and their side of things, Damnatio Ad Bestias could be one of two things. A. They were a Yakuza, the most likely answer. Or B. A group of villains, much like The League of Villains, which was the least likely answer.

With two options to go with, the new group of four had nothing to work off of. With a title that was illusive and hard to find any information about, and a definition so broad it might as well have been equivalent to them trying to cross the Grand Canyon on a tightrope, one thing was for sure: they weren't going to give up. No matter what.

One question did linger in the back of their minds, though. And that was what a large organization like Damnatio Ad Bestias was doing working hand in hand with The League of Villains. The only reason they believed that to be the case was because of the Stand User that showed up at the USJ, and that Kurogiri had been helping them with the attacks on the city populous with these Stand Bullets.

So, the question was this: Why would they bother to waste their time with a rookie upstart group like them? Unless, of course, The League of Villains weren't a bunch of rookies, and that Class 1 – A only saw what was the equivalent to their goon squad?

That thought.... that thought was scary. The idea that The League of Villains was something far more dangerous than what anyone was anticipating, or worse, could get to such an extent, was a threat in of itself.

Needless to say, while the information-gathering aspect had turned up dry, what spawned from the search definitely seemed fruitful. They now had reason to suspect that their theory of The League of Villains having been working for and or with Damnatio Ad Bestias, was confirmed. And, if what Midoriya said was true, that being that Stain was now a part of that group, their ranks were filled with not only powerful Stand Users, but, they now had a professional Hero Killer on their side.

And that, more than anything, was beyond terrifying in its own right.

Of course, Izuku and Yoshihara didn't just research throughout the entirety of the week. Izuku and Yoshihara had also taken time to grieve for their losses, Izuku moreso than Yoshihara. The whole week, Izuku had been wrecked emotionally from it all. Aside from doing the research that she did, along with Izuku, and being there with her boyfriend, she found out that Izuku had a lot of bottled-up emotions.

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