Vol 6 - 8: Stain's, Vipers, and Bones - Part 4

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[Stain's, Vipers, and Bones – Part 4]

Out of all the things that Inko Midoriya had seen in her life, the news was something that she never really bothered to pay attention to. There was no real reason as to why that was the case, other than that she had no reason to follow it. Every headline was about some tragedy in the world or something to do with a grand villain attack that occurred in some far-off place away from Musutafu, or a neighbouring city.

Quite frankly, she believed that the news was solely designed to bring down people's moods and make everyone feel miserable. For the longest time in her life, she followed the news cycle, and during that portion of her life, she remembered feeling horrible; constantly doubting that the world was progressing, and only regressing to a bygone era before Quirks.

However, when she stopped paying attention to the news, at least as frequently as she used to, she paid more attention to the actual world around her. While she could still see what it was that the news was talking about, the news sensationalized things to a downright psychopathic degree, making it so that even the smallest of setbacks looked like the most devastating of failures. Things were not nearly as bad as the news was making them out to be. And so, from that day forward, 10 years ago, she stopped paying attention to the news cycle.

Of course, there was a time when she had the news on in the background during the Sludge Villain incident. That was just about the only time she gave a damn about the news, mostly because her son and... well, she didn't know what terms Izuku and Katsuki were on nowadays, but she assumed that at the time they were at least somewhat friends still, not that it mattered. She was glad that All Might was there that day to save her son. Now she had more of a reason to actually like All Might, outside of him being the strongest hero in the world.

From that day forth, Izuku got roped into things that she feared he'd get into. Back when Izuku was four, she was secretly relieved that he didn't have a Quirk. She didn't want her old Boss to gain an interest in him and do something without her knowledge. For as much as she respected her old Boss, he was the type of person to manipulate the gullible into taking the plunge with those new Stand Bullets of his.

So, she was glad that Izuku was born without a Quirk. Granted, his quality of life was miserable, and she knew it, but at least he didn't get turned into a Stand User, and have his life ruined because of her old Boss, or worse, ended if the bullet killed him.

And then, Izuku met Yoshihara Kira. A Stand User. She had to admit that what she did after that was kind of an overreaction. She feared that Yoshihara had been sent by her old Boss to scope out things because she knew he was watching her and her family. When she felt that pull that all Stand Users felt from Yoshihara, she panicked and attempted to end her life.

That backfired massively. However, instead of killing her as Inko had anticipated, all Yoshihara Kira did was knock her unconscious, and then called emergency services. Ever since then, they had become fast allies, with the common goal of eliminating the person who produced the Stand Bullets.

However, there was just one small issue. She already knew who was making them. She already knew where they were being made. Or at least, a vague idea of where they were being made. So if that was the case, why hadn't she told them? The answer was simple. She knew that they weren't ready to go up against those people.

The Stand Users that they would be up against would kill them in seconds. Their abilities were beyond normal, and even more insane because, the leader of the assassination team, or Percussores Damnatorum as her former Boss called it, wasn't human. And while she was sure that the past members might have come and gone, or were switched around to different parts of Damnatio Ad Bestias, she still knew that they were extremely loyal to her former Boss.

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