Vol 2 - 6: The Calm Before The Storm

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[The Calm Before The Storm]

October 13th, 2108 – Morioh Town Hospital-

Yoshimura Kira was nervous, excited, and concerned—he was feeling a lot of things at the moment, and why wouldn't he be? His wife, Yoshikawa Kira, had gone into labour a few hours ago, starting at three in the morning all the way through to now. Currently, It was 7 AM, and she had still been in the hospital room, giving birth to his daughter! He was going to be a Dad! A part of him had been worried about how he was going to approach such a monumental task with the Job that he had. However, he tried not to think about it too hard.

But, that didn't he was completely free from fear.

What if he was like his biological Dad and never showed up for her when she needed him? What if he was absent like his biological Dad had been? What if? What if, what if, what if? That was all that was clouding his mind. He didn't want to be like his biological Dad. He couldn't be like his biological Dad. He refused to be like his biological Dad. Being an absent father was a sin in and of itself, let alone the fact that it should've been a crime.

Yoshimura's father was a mystery to him. His mother said that it was a one-night stand and that despite it only lasting for one night, she had believed that it was the closest thing that she would've ever felt to true love—despite already being married for 8 years at that point, add an extra two before she gave birth to him, of course. He had a stepfather that didn't know about his mother's betrayal, well that was until he was 16 years old, but still.

Before knowing that Yoshimura wasn't his biological son, he was an amazing dad. They'd play games at the park, and watch movies in the theatre if they had the time to. He would read him stories when he was younger, and when he got older he taught the boy how to defend himself after he had been found to be Quirkless.

He had wished for it to stay that way, but when his stepfather found out the ugly truth, the man disappeared. He'd get calls from him from time to time, and he even would come over for his birthdays. But outside of that, he never interacted with his ex-wife after that, or him for that matter, at least not as much as Yoshimura would've wanted.

Yoshimura understood that and he couldn't blame the guy either. He could've only imagined the pain that the man had suffered. He couldn't imagine being lied to for 18 long years. The marriage was a sham, and it was a shame, too. He had assumed that it was a loving marriage but found out in the most painful way possible that two years into the marriage, the spouse he thought had been loyal turned out to have cheated on him. Two years in, the woman of the man's dreams had ripped that perfect little picture into ribbons.

She single-handedly turned what could've been something beautiful into something else entirely. Add on to the fact that the son that the man thought he had wasn't even his own flesh and blood, rather he was the product of something horrible.

Though now that he was an adult, his stepfather was more present in his life and had been happy to learn that his son in every way but blood was having a daughter of his own. He was glad that his stepfather was still in his life, and that he at least had him to fall back on if something happened.

The same could not have been said for his biological father.

He didn't know what his real father looked like, nor did he know what his first name was. The only real thing that his mother ever told him about his biological father was that he was a nice man, at least from the outset.

But, there was another thing that he did know about his biological father, well, outside of what his mother had told him. Yoshimura knew something that not even his mother knew, and that was his last name: Kujo.

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