Vol 4 - 1: Media, Everyone hates them

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[Media, Everyone hates them]

Yoshikage sat in the spirit realm, a place where the souls of the dead could exist without fear of being erased or degraded over time, relaxing in a chair that looked exactly like the one he used to sit in back at his old home in Morioh—as a matter-of-fact, the realm he was currently in was a spitting replica of his old home, only limited to his living room.

He sat there, chin resting on his hand, as he frowned. Recent events showed that he had a connection with his descendant, though a weak one at that. He could only really communicate with them briefly, and only a few words at a time. However, the more he was around her, the more he could communicate with her.

The problem became as to whether or not she needed to know who he was. He'd rather keep himself anonymous, but he knew that eventually, the truth would come out—not that there was anything wrong with it, but he digressed.

He was waiting for a guest to show. He knew that the person in question wanted nothing to do with him for very, very obvious reasons. However, Yoshikage wasn't exactly giving them much of a choice. It was important that they discussed this, because if they didn't...

"Hmph... five minutes late," Yoshikage grumbled, rubbing at as his temple with his right hand. After a moment of complaining, there was a knock at the door. "It's open. Come on in," The blond-haired ghost said as the door opened. Standing in the doorway was a pink-haired woman, no older looking than 15. She had ashen pale skin, and pink eyes, and was wearing an overall skirt of sorts, along with a pair of long white ankle socks and shoes.

"Yoshikage..." the woman spat. "What do you want? This better be good. You said it was urgent, and I have no idea why I agreed to this, but—"

"You can stop it with the complaining, Reimei," Yoshikage interrupted. "I don't want you here as much as you want to be here. After all, if it wasn't for your meddling and sticking your nose into business you didn't need to, I wouldn't be here, now would I?" Yoshikage spat, before scoffing. "Although to think that Hell doesn't exist, and instead Heaven had slums for sinners... quite interesting, don't you think?"

"Cut to the chase, Kira. Or I'm leaving," Reimei growled, not moving an inch from the doorway as Yoshikage sighed.

"I guess you don't fancy small talk," Yoshikage said, rolling his eyes. "Very well. If you must know, it revolves around our families," Yoshikage continued as Reimei scoffed.

"And what would I have to do with your family, Yoshikage?" Reimei spat, glaring at the blond ghost with hatred in her eyes. "I knew this was stupid," Reimei frowned as Yoshikage raised an eyebrow, a hint of shock in his eyes.

"You... haven't been paying attention to the land of the living?" Yoshikage asked as Reimei huffed.

"And why would I?! I mean, don't get me wrong, I haven't completely forgotten about those who live, but at the same time I am more preoccupied with enjoying paradise, the very thing I missed out on for so long because of you," Reimei said as Yoshikage sighed. He didn't want to say it out loud, but it was a fact that she could've simply left at any time, whenever she wanted.

Whatever the case may be, be it because of her stupidity or arrogance, Reimei chose to stay in the world of the living as a wandering spirit rather than going to the pearly gates. She chose to stay behind and be the one who damned Yoshikage's spirit to The Void for what felt like millions of years—though in reality, it was only a few seconds.

That was beside the point. Yoshikage stared at Reimei with disbelief in his eyes. There was no way in hell that she was that dense. Yoshikage refused to believe that the person who was basically responsible for his demise, the one person who notified that stupid Koichi Hirose brat of his existence, was that blind to the happenings of those whom she once walked among.

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