Vol 2 - 7: Invasion At The USJ - Part 1

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[Invasion at the USJ – Part 1]

"You shitty little brat! What the fuck did you do?!"

"I-I was j-just hungry! I-I—"

A hand came flying down on the young child as she was smacked across the face, and sent flying into the stove behind her. The child cried out in pain, as the older woman, who was covered in shadow, narrowed her golden eyes, which were the only thing visible.

"I don't give a shit, you snot-nosed brat! You eat when I say you can eat, you sleep when I say you can sleep! I told you what would happen if you didn't obey. You know what that means, right?" As the older woman said that, she reached for her pocket. The young girl's eyes widened.

"N-No! P-Please I—"

"Too late, brat!" As she said that, she drew out a knife, inched closer to the little girl, and then...!"

Yoshihara jolted up from her bed, sweat travelling down her face as she hyperventilated. She hiked her blankets up over herself as her eyes scanned the room, only to find that she wasn't back there. She was home, and she was safe. The blonde sighed, letting go of the blankets as they fell haphazardly as she got out of bed.

Drowzily, Yoshihara got out of her pyjamas and got changed into her clean uniform. She was going to forgo the shower this morning, seeing as she had one when she got home, afterward she went straight to bed, skipping out on supper.

When she got downstairs, she greeted Nemuri with a quick wave as she walked upstairs to go do something, walked into the kitchen, and put some toast in the toaster. While she waited on them to pop, she closed her eyes and frowned.

How many times had she been having those nightmares as of late? At least three times in the past month or so. She had one the night before she was attacked by Inko, and she had one the night before the incident with Taro happened. Once was a coincidence, twice was a pattern. On top of that, her shoulder had been acting up as well, and once again, it was in the same pattern.

The blonde didn't know what to make of this, but whatever was going on, she wasn't liking it. Not one bit, especially considering both of those things happened during a horrible, unspeakable event. Was today going to be the same? Was she going to get into a life-or-death situation again? If she was, she wasn't going to be too happy.

Then again, things had been too peaceful recently, and it was something she didn't like. The supposed attack at U.A. by the press was more than it had seemed. She knew that much, and she had a feeling that she might actually know who the one responsible for it might have been. After all, the reporters couldn't have been the ones who had broken into the school.

Don't get her wrong, they had probable cause, but not probable ability. They were reporters for crying out loud, and moreover, none of them would be that desperate as to break the law to get the newest scoop, even if it was about All Might. There was no way in hell that they were that desperate. They'd be better off as Villains at that point. Attacking U.A. was tantamount to Suicide for their papers' reputation. That was why she believed it to be stupid.

Her mind kept going back to the guy with teal hair. He had something to do with that attack. She knew that guy had to have been lying about his position as a janitor, at least now she did. Yesterday he had her convinced, which in hindsight was bad. She had never seen anyone like him before, and she'd be that she'd never see a guy like that at the school again.

Whoever that guy had been, he had been the reason why the U.A. Barrier had been broken. However, as much as she wanted to focus on that, and as much as she wanted her brain to run amok with ideas, she had to get to school.

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