Vol 5 - 2: The Sports Festival - Part 7

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[The Sports Festival – Part 7]

"So, while we wait for everything to be fixed after that climatic battle... are we going to talk about Midoriya, or what?" Present Mic, aka Hizashi Yamada, asked Shota Aizawa, who simply sighed as he adjusted himself in his seat.

"What's there to discuss, Hizashi? It's clear that Midoriya is strong, and it's clear that he's taking his training seriously. He wants to be a hero, and therefore he's going all out. What more is there to add?" Aizawa asked as the blond-haired radio announcer and Pro Hero shook his head.

"Well, first of all... never, and I mean never, in the history of U.A. has anyone progressed that far in their training since All Might did when he was still a student at this school! Since All Might, Shota! Think about it! We might be seeing the second coming of the Symbol Of Peace!" Hizashi exclaimed as Shota rolled his eyes, his demeanour flippant and dismissive.

"Midoriya's strong, yes. But he's nowhere near as strong as All Might, and he never will be," the tired Pro Hero retorted, only to earn a groan from his partner.

"Oh come on Shota! Can't you see it? Even All Might wasn't as strong as he is now when he was a kid! Sure, he was strong, but he wasn't at all like he is now! I've personally watched his old battles against Endeavour when they were students at U.A.! They BOTH weren't as strong as they were back then as they are now. All Might wasn't as fast as Midoriya, mind you, but he was just as strong if not just a tad bit stronger! I—"

"That's enough, Hizashi," Shota groaned as he interrupted the man, glancing over at him with a sharp glare in his eyes. "I am aware that he is strong. I am aware that he is fast. I am also aware that he's still breaking his bones. While he isn't breaking whole arms and legs like he was before, it's still a pattern of behaviour revolving around his Quirk that needs to be ironed out. How can someone who has to damage their body to do anything ever become another Symbol of Peace?" Shota retorted, his frown growing underneath the bandages as Hizashi raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean? I mean, yeah, he's still breaking his bones but—"

"No buts, Hizashi. I believe in Midoriya, even if I don't outwardly show it. He's an underdog, and people like an underdog story, but don't say nonsensical stuff like that. Breaking his bones, small or otherwise, will still make it so that he will become unable to battle after a certain amount of time, no matter the amount of pain endurance one might have. While it's not as much of a detriment now as it was a month ago, it will still be a problem for him in the future," Aizawa interrupted, only for Hizashi to frown.

"Oh come on! For once get your head out of your ass and see with your eyes! Stop thinking with cold hard logic and at least entertain the thought! Can't you see it? Midoriya might become the next Symbol of Peace! I—"

"I SAID ENOUGH!" Aizawa shouted, raising his voice for the first time in a long time, making Hizashi flinch. Aizawa sighed, clearing his throat, and shaking his head as the anger in his eyes dissipated. "I think you're starting to feed into your hype, Hizashi. But the truth of the matter is that Midoriya does not have what it takes. I'm not saying that to be cruel, despite how it sounds. It has nothing to do with his potential, but rather, his mindset.

"Think about it like this: All Might, The Symbol Of Peace, is who he is due to outstanding circumstances. We struck gold when it came to him, and don't get me wrong, the idea of another Symbol Of Peace is rather enticing. It means I won't have to work as hard as I'm most likely going to when the brute retires. But think about the mindset one must have to be someone like All Might.

"All Might, while I respect him, is a total idiot. I might not be a psychiatrist, but I can see a narcissist from a mile away," Aizawa began as Hizashi balked.

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