Vol 7 - 6: The Tragically Hip Therapist

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[The Tragically Hip Therapist]

"Thanks, doc, you really helped," a dull-sounding voice came from an average-looking man as he spoke to a darkened doorway. A figure obscured within the darkness smiled, their arms behind their back, and their posture relaxed. The upper portion of their body was covered in darkness, so the only thing that could be made out was their baggy black hakama pants, black shoes, and the ends of their white trenchcoat.

"No problem! Have a nice day!" The figure said, their voice cheery and full of life, a complete contrast from the man in front of them. The figure waved them off before closing the door to the clinic. The average-looking man's eyes were completely devoid of life, no light shining through them even in the slightest.

The man walked away from the decrepit-looking building, arms to his sides, with every movement being completely robotic in fashion. As the man walked, he passed by a sign next to the building that read "Nijimura Walk-in Clinic – Open 6 days of the week" off the right of the building at the end of the cracked-up walkway—not that the man was paying attention to it.

The average-looking man walked forward, leaving the plot of land that the clinic was built on, and continuing onto the sidewalk. The man stood there, staring at the rushing traffic going back and forth—it was early morning rush hour, so the streets were extremely busy. The man continued to watch, his dead-looking eyes staring straight forward.... He had nothing to live for. He had no family, no friends, no Quirk, no nothing.

There was only one thing that he could do now....

The man continued to stare into the distance, watching people happily go about their day. It was a beautiful day outside. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and on days like this, people like him...

Shouldn't exist.

Without any hesitation, the man walked onto the street, heedless of the traffic. He took another step forward, unaware, or possibly aware of a minivan heading straight for him. Unfortunatly for the driver, the minivan couldn't hit the brakes fast enough, as the man just stood there, unmoving and uncaring about what was going to happen to him. The vehicle slammed into the man at 60 miles per hour, the driver screaming as due to the speed at which the van was previously going, the man was sucked underneath the vehicle.

The minivan stopped after the driver slammed on the brakes for a third time. The vehicle came to a complete stop as the driver—a middle-aged mother—stepped out of the van, and went around to the back, dread filling her stomach. By the time she came around, with traffic having completely stopped behind her, and the stench of death filling the air the woman gasped, before screaming.

The man whom she had run over was no longer alive. He was nothing more than a broken, bloodied body with limbs displaced in weird, crazy bent angles, eyes poking out of sockets, with tire tracks and soot covering the top half of his body. It didn't take long for the police to be called. When they got there, they took a report from the woman. It was written on the record as yet another Quirkless suicide.

All the while, from the shadows of the building, the figure within the clinic had watched through the window, just peaking out of the curtains. When it was over, and when the police and medical crew took away the corpse, the figure backed away from the curtains and fled deeper into the clinic.

It seemed like it was just another day at the Nijimura Walk-in Clinic...


"The Nijimura Walk-in Clinic?" Josefumi questioned, raising an eyebrow as he reclined on the living room couch, staring at Yoshihara with a perplexed expression. The blonde was sitting across from him on the other couch on the other side of the living room. Josefumi hummed, trying to think about if he had ever heard of something like that, before shrugging.

Dynamite And A Laserbeam - ReduxOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora