An Important Authors Note

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Hiya everyone, DeathlyJazzHands55 here! I'm sure you have all noticed, either by way of notification or by way of seeing the word count for this story increasing, that I have put out new content in the older chapters. Specifically, I've updated the first three chapters in such a way that they are far better paced, and the interactions between characters as well as descriptions of characters, people, and locations are more visually popping than blanket explanations.

The reason I did that is because I have become increasingly dissatisfied with the original writing of the earlier chapters up to Chapter 24 (Volume 3 – 8). However, that does not mean the rest of the chapters will not get similar treatment. Now, you might be asking me: "If that is the case, why are you dropping this whole ass letter if you're just going to say that?" Well, I'm glad you asked!

See, I absolutely love writing for Dynamite And a Laserbeam. It was what got me back into the flow of writing. But as I've come to realize, thanks to the help of a few people, it would be far easier for me to finish Dynamite And A Laserbeam before I continue with my edits and posting chapters on a bi-weekly basis. It seriously takes the fun out of writing, at least for me.

It would be far easier for me to simply have it done, and then begin to post the chapters throughout the rest of 2024. That way, I can work on my other fanfics and get those done before 2030. So that will mean that there will be a dry spell for content regarding ANY and ALL of my fanfics so that I can finish Dynamite And A Laserbeam.

As for how long that will take? I can honestly say, with certainty, that I do not know. For all I know it could take a month, it could take two months, or perhaps even three and that's not taking into account all of the editing that I want to do. All I know is that hopefully by the end of 2024, the first part of Dynamite And A Laserbeam will be finished and available for public viewing.

I know this isn't exactly what you all want to hear or see, but I have to do this. At the rate that I am going, it will take me another two years to finish Dynamite And A Laserbeam. And as fun as writing this story is, I do not want to continue to write it for another two years, while stagnating all of my other fanfics.

Once I begin to update Dynamite And A Laserbeam again, this author's note will be deleted. So when you see that happen, that means I will begin posting the new chapters. For all of you readers, look out for that.

So, just in case I miss it (I will, obviously) have a Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays, have a wonderful New Year, and I will catch you all on the flipside!



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