Vol 3 - 8: C'est la vie, Heart Attack - Part 2

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[C'est la vie, heart attack – Part 2]

[16 years ago, Morioh, 2108]

The Story of Yoshikawa Kira's downfall was one of pity. A woman who dreamt about making a name for herself, living a life without concern and without fear of anyone's opinions—without her family making her keep up the reputation as a family of rich former nobles, and live without fear of her disorder completely controlling her—all came crashing down on the night of February 13th, Sunday, at 2:30 PM, when she found out something about herself that she, nor her fiance at the time, had been prepared for.

"So... you want to run that by me again?" Yoshimura Sugimoto asked, raising an eyebrow as he sat at a dinner table with his fiance, Yoshikawa Kira. They were eating Teriyaki with a side of rice for dinner, and both were in casual clothing. Yoshimura was wearing a white shirt, and black pants, as well as a pair of baby blue slippers. Yoshikawa was wearing a pink blouse, a pair of red shorts, and bright pink slippers.

"I said..." The blonde-haired woman began, sucking in a deep breath. "I'm pregnant, Mura... I'm pregnant with your child," Yoshikawa said, looking down at herself with a bit of a shy, almost embarrassed look. "I... I think last night, the condom must have broken, and.... And...." Yoshikawa said, a small blush on her cheeks as Yoshimura dropped his chopsticks.

Neither of them had been ready to raise a child, and Yoshimura knew that. But, at the same time, the idea of having a child was something that excited him. Though, he wouldn't lie and say that his first idea was to get an abortion, seeing as they weren't prepared.

Unfortunatly, or fortunately, depending on how you looked at it, a law had been passed that made it so that having an abortion was illegal. The countries that this affected were the East Asian countries, America, and a majority of the E.U. countries.

If someone performed one in any of the aforementioned areas around the world, they would be arrested, charged a hefty fine and sent to prison for a year. Those who got them were also charged with the same fine but without a prison sentence, although the current person who was running for prime minister was going to change that if he got elected, he would've increased the prison sentence to 10 years.

Yoshikawa hoped, for the betterment of the country, that the man was never elected. Because if he was, then Japan would become just as bad as the USA had been over 50 years ago, when it briefly went by The United Federation of America, or UFA, when the fascist republican party, which now goes by Peoples Party of America, or the PPA, had taken over the country after a successful coup-de-tat.

Regardless, the original law came into being once Quirks started to show up and started to become more widely accepted. The only way to legally terminate a baby during pregnancy was if the following scenarios were happening: The woman who was having the baby was having health problems due to the pregnancy, was homeless and or a drug addict, or the baby died within the womb, and it had to be extracted.

The law caused social uproar across the world, but eventually, after a few years passed, everyone forgot about it and carried on with their lives, minus a few activist groups online.

"I... I see...." Yoshimura said, blinking a few times, shock taking over his system. He covered his mouth, stroking the small goatee he had been growing out. They had only been engaged for a month, but if this was going to happen... "As much as I know this is a bit early... we're going to have to marry sooner than we wanted to," Yoshimura said, causing Yoshikawa to recoil.


"No buts, Kawa-chan. As much as I know we had plans to have the wedding in summer, I don't want to have a bastard child before we marry. That, and my parents are... strict. They'd disavow the marriage if they found out you were pregnant before we got married. That, and if you didn't marry me, my parents have enough power in the country to sue you for everything you're worth... Not that I want that, of course, and on top of that..." Yoshimura responded, picking up one of the Teriyaki pieces with his chopsticks. "This... also came at a very bad time, for me, as well...." Yoshimura said, sighing.

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