Vol 8 - 7: Final Exams - Part 3

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[Beta Read by Doc43Souls]

[TW: Mentions of Suicide/Suicide Baiting]

[The Final Exams – Part 3]

Things were not looking good. That was the consensus that the group of seven standing in the woods was having, as none of them wanted to deal with the drama that was going on in the Dorm of Class 1- A. The first thing Yoshihara heard when she took a step inside was more of the same and at this point, she was reaching her limit with all the garbage that was being spewed.

It wasn't her fault. Really, it wasn't. She didn't want any of this. Yoshihara just wanted to go to hero school as Nemuri had intended, maybe make a friend or two, become a hero even if it was only out of pure happenstance and her luck, and then do work as an Underground Hero specifically scheduled around the nighttime so that the daytime was reserved for her relaxation and quiet life.

But, of course, as luck would have it, Fate seemed to be of the mind that doing that was pretty much impossible. Almost as if that bitch knew what she was trying to do, her mother came along and tried to kill her, and then when Yoshihara killed her in retaliation, she was painted as the bad guy.

It was a story that she had listed off to so many people now that she was starting to get sick and tired of repeating it. And then, when she did, she was still called The Bad Guy in that scenario. It was really pissing her off that no one was willing to understand that she was in the right back then. Especially by people who had already known the truth. Case in point: Yaoyorozu Momo. At this point, she was just being, for lack of a better word, a bitch about it.

What was worse was that it wasn't just Yaoyorozu. But, she was one of the people who continued the vicious cycle. It was an entire half of the class. If it wasn't for the fact that these people were supposed to be her peers, she would've done something about it. Something violent.

The more she thought about it, the more it seemed like a loop. One that she was starting to hate more and more as the days went by. And it wasn't as if she could switch hero classes, because it would be the same fucking thing, and she knew it.

One day, she'd be fine, water completely under the bridge and Yoshihara gets to thinking that perhaps, just maybe, she can finally re-integrate herself with Class 1 – A and stop being the black sheep. Then something stupid has to happen and then all of that progress gets washed away.

Twice, this has happened now.

The first time it happened was just after her mother jumped her and, well, that story doesn't bear repeating anymore. The Sports Festival comes and goes, people understand her perspective if only a little bit and the internships happen. Things are looking up, and now, maybe, just maybe, she could have a little bit of peace. Of course, then that thing with being pregnant happened, and that blew the wind out of her sails for a few minutes, but she was able to get that resolved and things were finally going in a path that allowed her to be at peace!

And then, something stupid happened.

Ida dies because of a Vampire, and now the fingers are back to being pointed at her and now Kujo for something they didn't even know yet and were apparently supposed to know—because she's a Joestar and had connections with the Speedwagon Foundation, and she just should have known because fuck logic, right?

Then, just as things are finally starting to die down, her father shows up and makes a whole mess of things. He introduces everyone to the concept of Stands, something that Kujo and herself had been trying to keep secret for everyone's safety, and then her father turns around and reveals it to everyone, and then goes on to stake the fire some more by saying some people already knew about them.

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