Vol 6 - 7: Stain's, Vipers, and Bones - Part 3

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[Stain's, Vipers, and Bones – Part 3]

As the two combatants came into range of one another, Stain's spare sword came inches away from Tenya's left cheek, the blue-haired teen's eyes widening as he felt the cold, uncaring steel press against the left side of his face. Moments before it could cut into his skin and draw blood, The Figure punched away the blade, as it was sent flying.... In slow motion.

Both combatants had no idea how that happened, nor how that was even possible. From Ida's point of view, the sword had gained a similar dark-blue aura to his own, as it travelled slowly to the ground. From Stain's point of view, he saw his blade get smacked out of thin air away from Tenya Ida, by nothing. If he had tried to go get it, he would've overextended himself, which would've left an opening for his opponent to take advantage of. And so, he retreated away from Tenya.

And both had very similar thoughts about the matter, as well.

"What the hell is going on?"

On Tenya's side of things, the boy didn't much care for the fact that Stain's sword was being launched through the air at 1 kilometre an hour and instead chose to maintain focus on the fight at hand. Stain, now that he had a solid distance away from the hero-in-training, reached for one of his spare knives, then narrowed his eyes, taking this small downtime to observe the situation.

Something that Stain had slowly been starting to figure out was that there was something around the boy that was protecting him from getting hit. He couldn't see what it was, but it was there. He could feel the movement in the air, but notably, it wasn't another person, which told him that it was something rather than someone, which gave him a small insight as to what happened to the boy's Quirk.

He knew a bit about the Ida family due to his research on the late Tensei Ida, formerly known as Ingenium. Every Ida, no matter what, had an engine-based Quirk that allowed the user to go faster than a regular person, the first of which being Tenchi Ida in the late 21st century, somewhere around the year 2079. Not once had their Quirks strayed away from that basis. The engines usually came out from large parts of the body, like Tensei's forearms, and this boy, Tenya's calves.

However, now, something had changed. It was as if the general air around Tenya Ida allowed him to dictate what flew at what speed for what distance, and as he observed with his sword, only in a straight line, almost as if he was using the laws of inertia as a base point for what he was going to do. He had no idea if the boy himself knew this, but one thing was clear.

He didn't know how to properly use it.

And so, he was going to use the boy's inexperience with this newfound ability, cut him, and activate his Quirk so that the boy would be paralyzed. And, he planned to cut somewhere vital, because as he had learned from his first attempt, his Quirk also seemed to now repel people from him, and violently, as well. And so, rather than aim for his cheek this time, he was aiming for the neck.

And with that in mind, he lunged.

Once again, The Figure came to Ida's rescue, as just when The Hero Killer had his blade inches from Ida's throat, The Figure punched down on the side of Stain's head. Rather than just knocking him away, however, the punch made Stain bounce off the ground, head first, and ragdoll his body up from the ground, where The Figure slammed him with a powerful blow to the villain's stomach.

Stain's body was enveloped in a blue aura, as he was sent flying at easily 60 miles per hour in the direction of the end of the alleyway, embedding him in the wall as The Hero Killer spat up a small glob of his own blood. Off in the corner of Ida's eye, he saw that the sword no longer had the aura around it and that it had dropped to the ground with an unceremonious thud. That was when Ida started piecing things together, regarding whatever it was that The Figure was doing.

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