Chapter 2: the walking dead

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Harry wasted no time in shrinking down his trunk and sliding it into his pocket, he didn't know whether he would need it or not, so he was better safe than sorry. Not that there was anything he could do against a bite of scratch against a walker, he hadn't had a chance to try out the Phoenix tears, but he suspected not even those tears would help any and there was no point to wasting something that might come in handy - especially with the way the world was at large now. He would give it a try, just to see though if the occasion rose, but until then there was no point to thinking on it further. Waving away his tent flap, he stood up, stretching himself out, ready to deal with what was going to come in the next few hours. Getting Merle to calm down was going to be next to impossible, hopefully he would have had time to reflect stuck on the roof, like calm him the hell down.

He wandered over to the cars and bikes, contemplating which to use, Daryl's truck would be best, Merle's motorbike was still in the back, but he didn't know if he would be in any state to actually ride it. It was far too hot, he had no water, no food, and probably sunstroke unless he was in a bit of a roof that gave shelter, with a little luck that would be the case.

"Glenn!" Harry called, wandering over to the Korean guy, Merle and Daryl gave him a hard time, he prevented most of it. Not that Glenn was aware of that, at least Harry assumed not.

"Yes?" Glenn asked cautiously, still looking a little worried, despite the fact he hadn't had anything to do with what happened by the sound of things.

"Is Merle cuffed up in a shaded area? Or has he had to put up with heat without any protection?" Harry asked, even as he spoke the feel of the heat intensified as it got hotter due to the time of day.

"He could go under the pipes," Glenn admitted, looking around just in case Daryl was looming behind him.

"Well that's something at least," Harry nodded, retreating from his mind, having got everything he needed to successfully Apparate to Merle without worrying he'd end up somewhere else. "Thanks, Glenn."

"Do you want me to come? I know the area best?" Glenn enquired guiltily, even as he spoke he didn't want to but he felt he had to.

"No, the less people to leave camp the better," Shane interrupted their conversation.

"The guns are worth the trip, we will be better protected!" Rick argued, as if he had been arguing with Shane on the matter for ages.

"Again, none of you are coming," Harry stated sharply, "Thanks for the offer Glenn, but it's not needed, we will be back shortly."

"You can't stop me from coming, we need the guns and I'm responsible for what happened," Rick stated sharply, his hand motioned out as if that was the end of the matter.

"Yes, you're responsible, no you aren't coming," Harry replied once more, his glaze never once relenting.

"Rick, we need everyone here, there was a walker too close to camp," Shane argued, "Are you really going to leave your wife and son when you know we could be attacked? We need every able bodied man just in case."

Harry startled slightly at that information, it was his understanding that walkers moved around in groups, and so what Shane was saying did make sense. There would be a herd on them before they knew it; it just depended on how quick the other had been in front of them. Either way the quarry was no longer safe, they needed to leave; he would speak to the others as soon as he got back from getting Merle out of trouble he'd brought on himself the silly idiot that he was he thought with fond exasperation.

"Y'all let's go," Daryl shouted from across the camp, Harry smirked a little, he'd actually changed, the clothes he'd had on before had been horrendous, not that he cared, he'd wore just as bad things in his day. He'd cleaned up as well, he looked a lot cooler but that was no surprise if he'd washed himself in the water around the quarry, it was freezing cold, he wouldn't remain cool in this weather unfortunately.

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