Chapter 13

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Luna kept quiet, keeping even her breathing to a minimum, sound drew these things, it was something Harry had first discovered and shared with everyone within Hogwarts. She had shrunk the box with the swords as soon as she closed the passageway door. She had her wand out and lit so she wasn't walking blindly into anything, sometimes they didn't make a sound so she felt it was better safe than sorry. The light was dim but enough for her to see in front of her. She knew she could take care of herself, she had been using the Room of Requirement to practice, admittedly more often than not she ended up 'bitten' but with practice came experience and she didn't feel completely overwhelmed by going out here. There was no doubt she was scared, she'd been scared facing the Death Eaters she just didn't let it get the better of her.

Gripping her sword tightly, hearing the rattling breathy moan, she jumped when the thing fell down in front of her, there were stairs there. With quick work she stuck the sword into the brain before it could move again. Kicking its hand off her boots, she edged closer trying to see if there was anything else in the room or if it was dangerous to go up there. Noise; if there were any there they would be drawn to noise. Clanging her sword against the stone walls encasing her, hoping she wasn't making a mistake she waited and listened.

Thank Merlin for Harry, she wasn't even the slightest bit surprised he could survive out there, he'd survived worse and came out on top. When nothing appeared Luna began to walk up the steps, keeping herself silent as possible, pausing half way up when she heard distant banging as if someone was thumping against the door of the shop. Breathing deeply she went the rest of the way, keeping her wand in front of her, she jumped through the hole, sliding the stone back into place and sealing it magically. Now nothing would get into that place unless someone actually cancelled her magic on the stone and ducked down under. Hopefully Hermione will have also sealed the other entrance.

Luna stood to her left and peeled away the stone, finding the warding hub, it was unused, it wasn't even got a spark of a glow in it to show that the wards worked. She wondered when it happened, during the war? Or had this stone ward been forgotten over time? And neither Dumbledore nor Minerva had bothered to fix it since technically it wasn't at Hogwarts?

Pouring her magic into the stone, her wand tip touching it as she continuously muttered Latin erecting the ward to protect Hogwarts at its fullest. It's the only safe place left in the magical world, she realized sadly, and it had been her home for so long. She didn't have anyone else other than the others in there, now she was alone, but she'd had to do it, to protect everyone. Then the ward stone glowed to life, before settling, emitting a tiny glow here and there showing it was working at full strength. Nodding grimly she levitated the stone slab back onto the warding hub (or rather one of the dozens Hogwarts had) sealing it closed with a sticking charm.

There was only one way out of here, opening that door, there was at least five of those things out there she realized, as she crept closer, counting the hands banging on the door. She could deal with them one at time, but she had to be careful. Creeping closer, she was distracted by all the sweets, a small whimsical smile appeared on her face; Harry loved sugar quills, which was what she could see closest to her. Shrugging indifferently she opened her trunk and swiftly began summoning on the sweets and getting them to sit neatly in her trunk. Grabbing the broomstick as an afterthought, those things couldn't fly so they couldn't catch her. Leaning it against the door she shrunk her trunk and put it away, opening the door she allowed one to get in but the weight of the others was too much for her, she ended up almost being squashed, cursing she raised her sword stabbed one as she backed away behind the counter, wand raised she tried to keep it quiet an blasted another, raising her sword she sliced through three of the others, half their heads slicing of like cheese. Well, Hermione had it right, she thought wryly, grimacing at the blood on the blade. Hearing more growling she quickly went to the window cursing, there were two large groups of those things making their way to her. Grabbing her broom she kicked off, raising up, as they crowded around arms in the air trying to get to her.

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