Chapter 56

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The three of them dug into their sandwich, Mira more appreciative of it than either Daryl or Harry, but that wasn't truly surprising since they were eating food from Hogwarts, admittedly not as often as they wished but they were still getting some home cooked meals to enjoy with spices and the likes, something that was sorely lacking most days in the food the group prepared for meals. As he ate, Harry opened his trunk, the sound of the locking mechanism seemed very loud, causing all of them to freeze, flicking out his and Harry cast a silencing charm over the room, making a serious mental note to himself to remove it before anyone left the room, if he was away and someone got hurt then they'd be a sitting duck and unable call out to anyone.

"My goodness!" Mira gasped as she caught sight of the food Harry had in his trunk, it was the equivalent of over five frozen food stores, she could be wrong there might be more but that would require going into the trunk, not something she would do it was freezing in there. The sight of all the food made her want to drool over it. Chips, bacon, chicken, turkeys there was everything you'd find in a shop. That was just the frozen section; she wasn't sure whether she wanted to see what was in the other compartments. "You know you could get away with bringing some of that back with us," Mira commented, eyeing the chicken with a zealot's passion. "Just tell everyone you found a freezer attached to a generator."

Harry glanced at her amused, "After all this time?" he replied, snorting at the thought, his people weren't stupid.

"Just say you found someone dead, you assume they'd been using the generator to survive, instead of wasting it you brought it with you." Mira fired off, on a roll now, she wanted something different to eat, and since chicken hadn't been on the menu since the apocalypse started well...who could blame her for wanting that chicken.

"I'm not comfortable about lying to them further," Harry informed her seriously, "The more lies I tell the more betrayal they will feel when the truth comes out and I am not stupid enough to believe they'll never find out. If you want to take some stuff, you found it, you explain I'll do nothing but back you up."

"Why haven't you told the Non-Maj's? It's not as though the ICW can have you arrested for telling someone," Mira queried, watching Harry use magic to float the food from the cupboard and into his trunk. That certainly would shave a long, long time off their quest. She quickly began to remove bags of chicken breasts, chicken drumsticks, bacon, three loaves of frozen bread, chips, roast beef, turkey drummers, turkey burgers, roast potatoes and last but no means least the largest pack of sausages she could find. She began looking around for anything that could hold them when Harry handed over his usual sack he had for picking up food - the very same one he'd found on the highway while waiting on someone coming for Sophia.

Harry began talking as she put everything way, handing over a bottle of oil and some gravy granules from his trunk as well. "It's not fear of being arrested, it's fear that they will fear me enough to leave." it was odd hearing Muggles referred to as Non-Maj's it was probably the name the American magical society had come up with for Muggles and Harry did idly wonder who named them first. Seeing the confused look on Daryl's face he elaborated for him, "The ICW is the international confederation of wizards, they were the ones that separated both the magical world and the non-magical world to keep us safe."

Daryl nodded just once to show that he understood.

"They will see this as a good thing, an answer to their problems," Mira protested, she was positive that's the way it would go. Pulling the string back so the bag was closed, she dreaded picking it up since that load was bound to be rather heavy but she didn't mind taking it. They were going to have a hell of a feast tonight, part of her protested at taking the credit for it but she had Harry's permission.

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