Chapter 61

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"Bloody hell, isn't this bad enough, I feel like I'm being carried around by King Kong, talk about embarrassing," Harry murmured quietly, hissing in pain as he was moved as he had been doing for the past five minutes. Surprisingly Daryl had figured out that Luna was pathing the way for them by drawing the symbol he'd asked her to etch into the trees so they could meet back up without ending up lost in the dark which was quickly creeping up on them at an alarming rate. Although really, neither would get lost since both Luna and Harry had magic, they could use a spell to track one another.

"You know King Kong but don't know the Lord of The Rings?" Daryl scoffed out in amusement, trying to keep Harry as still as he could, but it just wasn't possible, they were walking through trees and climbing over protruding rocks, fallen trees or branches it wasn't exactly easy, thankfully Harry wasn't too heavy, he'd carried bucks heaver, but he didn't tell Harry that but he did amuse himself thinking of his reaction to that particular though.

"Was on the telly, my cousin was watching it," Harry admitted, "Watched a bit of it while I was doing chores," the comment sounded innocent enough, what respectable person didn't give their children chores...they were oblivious to anything behind it, except Daryl since Daryl knew quite a lot about what Harry had been through without getting told a lot of specifics. The wizarding world was brought up a hell of a lot more than the Dursley's were.

"How can he still be coherent?" Hershel muttered to himself, staring at Daryl and Harry's back, the pain he was in must be excruciating. A burn like that would incapacitate anyone, not that he wanted that to happen, he was just surprised is all.

"What do you mean?" Maggie asked her father, still badly shaken by what had happened she'd followed the others in silence, clutching Glenn's hand afraid that if she let him go something else would happen. She was so very curious to know how the hell the others had found them...had they been coming to see what Terminus had to offer from the other side and saw the entire thing?

"He's suffering from very severe burns," Hershel explained patiently, as he always did especially when it was his daughters.

"I'm fine, Hershel, don't worry about it," Harry said glancing in the elder man's direction, green eyes reflecting the pain he was in. He'd been in worse pain, well not for this long, as soon as the first task was over he had been taken to Madam Pomfrey and healed. The burn paste worked wonders, dulled the pain completely then healed it. Took twenty-four hours, for it to fully heal leaving him with a red mark that looked like a birthmark until it faded. Giving Daryl a slight amused look, they were being followed, he'd asked Luna to get the damn truck for them so they had a vehicle to get the hell out of here, but Harry suddenly didn't think it would be easy getting rid of them as he assumed.

"Stop here," Harry grunted out, noticing there were no further signs on the trees or recent footprints and they'd veered off into the road from here. Daryl slowly lowered him into the rock planted nearby no doubt observing the same thing. "For some reason, I don't think we're going to get rid of them," he said in a low tone to Daryl, the others all paused as well, hugging at each other shock still prominently displayed on their faces.

Daryl grunted in agreement, his eyes roaming around for any sign of his brother and his girlfriend or walkers. The comforting weight of his crossbow across his back shifted every time Daryl paced around the rock Harry was sitting on. Silently urging his brother to hurry the hell up so they could get to the prison. He had one gun tucked in the waistband of his pants, and his handheld machine pistol was in his hand ready for anything. He did notice that Harry's was missing.

"What happened?" Daryl asked once he noticed everyone was distracted for the moment, probably discussing their next move if they weren't stupid. Although Daryl noticed that Glenn and Maggie had disappeared, but that hadn't been unusual in the farm.

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