Chapter 73

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After breakfast was over the group made a move to leave, several others walked with them, leaving PA temporarily to help deal with any walkers in the vicinity, as soon as they were over the threshold that was the Fidelius Charm, Tyreese, Big Tiny, Oscar, Axel, Lori, Carol and Amy joined the others in driving their weapons through the skulls of the walkers, ending them once an for all, using only their daggers they never used bullets unless they had absolutely no choice, they had more ammo than they knew what to do with, but it was better to keep it just in case.

"Be careful," Amy said, hugging her sister tightly, eyes alight with worry. The fear that Andrea might not come back constantly plagued her, for good reason, it had happened in the past. She'd thought her sister was lost to her, but instead she'd seen a miracle happen before her very eyes. It wasn't irrational, even Harry had said that, no matter how much real trust you had in your leader or sister, the worry wouldn't fade you'd just learn to live with the worry and continue on with your day.

"I'll be back," Andrea insisted, hugging her sister back, Amy had come with them a few times, but quite often she'd go on her own with Harry and the others, it was the same each time, she worried needlessly.

"You listen to everything Harry tells you," Lori insisted, anxious that Carl was leaving and anxious about the fact her daughter was with Rick, but thankfully not alone, Hershel was with them and had promised not to go anywhere until she got back. "You come right home after you get back and come see me?" her hands on Carl's shoulders gripping them tightly as the anxiety ate at her. Glancing at Andrea pleading her to keep an eye on Carl for her since she couldn't.

Andrea nodded, whether she liked Lori or not, she would do her best to look after Carl. It wasn't needed, Harry made sure that everyone was safe and in his sight at all times.

"I will, mom," Carl insisted nodding, so glad to be able to help again. The smell of burning walker flesh made him turn around to find that the others had piled the bodies up and Harry had cast a fire making the bodies burn really quickly, they were already being reduced to ash before his very eyes. He watched it in awe, even a month on he still wasn't used to magic being performed since he didn't see Harry or Luna using it often.

"Keep your eyes open, stay near Harry and Daryl," Carol was telling her daughter at the same time, she was by far more comfortable with Daryl and Harry watching her daughter, Luna and Merle secondary, although it wasn't as if she didn't trust them she just knew from experience Harry would risk everything to save her. Carol eyed all the weapons on her and nodded, she had enough to keep her safe.

"Let's go," Harry called out, and those going with Harry, immediately got into position, Andrea and Sophia grabbed Harry's left arm, Daryl took his right, his crossbow ready, they were more than aware that Harry was slightly vulnerable when Apparating, since he couldn't carry his weapons and transport them, so it was no surprise that Andrea and Sophia also had their weapons drawn.

Luna grasped a hold of Carl, pulling him towards her, while Merle wrapped his arms around her guarding her back.

Both Luna and Harry nodded once before they Apparated from the Fort and as close to Bennington house as they dared.

Immediately afterwards all of them were on the defensive, weapons raised and looking around with narrowed eyes, listening intently for any sound of the walkers. Since they were surrounded by trees they didn't relax, they weren't novices anymore. "Where do we go from here?" Andrea asked, arms still up, noticing the tree stumps that surrounded them, they had been cut down at some point, judging by the moss on them it wasn't recent.

"This way," Harry said gesturing for them to follow him without a word; all of them began walking Merle and Luna keeping an eye on their backs as they did. Either jumping over the tree stumps or moving around them.

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