Chapter 34

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Harry carefully climbed over the next fence, trying to make as little noise as possible, but it wasn't easy the fence rattled each move he took, getting worse the higher up he got. Once he was at the top, he slid his hand into his pocket to retrieve the Pliers, grunting slightly, as he tried to keep himself steady, using his full strength he used his right hand to cut away at the barbed wire, wincing when it caught him in the face. Blood oozed out of the newly created wound, his green eyes glanced around worriedly, he knew they were drawn to the smell of blood, and the noise would only make them more determined. Once he was sure he would be back on the ground before anything attacked him, he slid his left leg over before swinging his body then right leg before scaling down, and his dismount wasn't as smooth as his last one as fatigue began to set in. He ended up on his backside, after his leg bucked under his weight.

"Harry!" Sophia called out, concerned for him.

"Are you alright?" Andrea, Dale and Amy all asked, talking over each other.

"Shit," Harry grumbled, slowing standing up, using the fence to push himself up, keeping his weight off his throbbing leg, slowly stretching it out a bit at a time until some of the pain abated. "I'm fine," he stated shaking his head in annoyance. This was child's play; he'd been hurt way worse over the years.

"How's your leg?" Luna asked, watching him ride out the pain, a little fall wasn't going to kill him, and she knew Harry didn't do well with being hounded over something so trivial. Hell he'd fallen a hell of a lot further from his broomsticks after being attacked from Dementors and walked out of the hospital wing the next day probably in pain but refusing to show it.

"It's not broken, thankfully," Harry told her, tentatively placing his weight on it a grimace spilling on his face. This was the last thing he needed right now, they had a lot to do, so he pushed his pain aside, and began to make his way over to the second gate, trusting the brothers and Luna to have his back if anything came at him, he didn't have his compound bow with him this time. He'd left it on his floor before he climbed the fence. As an afterthought he added, "Stay at that side, we can't risk any broken bones, the ground isn't as even as the other side." this fence was electric as well, so the chances were of a crank being in place was big.

Harry sighed in relief when the pain dimmed further; he knew it was going to hurt like a bitch later though. He tried to keep as much weight off it as possible regardless. The others he noticed were moving with him, ready to open the gate; he glanced behind him just to be on the safe side. Once he was at the crank lever, he began to pull down, having to put more and more of his strength into getting it to move, but once it got started it was a little easier, only a little though Harry thought grunting as he finally heard the gate moving he sighed and leaned against the fence. Waiting on everyone coming in, his green eyes keeping an eye on everything, he knew better than to let his guard down.

Everyone scrambled to the vehicles Luna much to everyone's surprise jumped into Daryl's trunk, prompting Daryl to give her a confused look but jump in and drive in nonetheless.

"Give this to Harry when nobody is nearby," Luna stated pressing it into his hand, handing him the less half full vial of pain reliever mixed in with a muscle relaxant. Anymore would make him drowsy and not able to react accordingly not something she wanted not with an unknown amount of walkers in the area. "He won't take anything if I don't force him." Luna added seeing the look on his face. "He'll try and insist he's had worse or that the potions should be kept for worse things. I don't want to see him taken down by a damn walker if his leg acts up."

Daryl smirked and nodded in agreement, it was his observation as well, admittedly it had been later he'd put all the pieces together. That is what he did, observed his surroundings. He'd had absolutely everyone at the quarry pegged within a few days, one of those days he had been out hunting. Most of them he knew wouldn't survive long; they were too scared, too fragile at least mentally to endure this new world for long. They'd constantly complain about things they missed, each and every day and had the audacity to think things would go back to normal sooner or later. Dale had been high up on that list, while Amy had gone further down when she began training. Carol was another one he hadn't expected to survive, but she'd proved him wrong. The majority were all too full of themselves though, smug and superior some more than others. Seeing the majority of the people die in the quarry during that attack had been the wake up call they needed made them even more fearful and scared. Even Shane had been terrified beneath his cocky demeanour, and as time went on he had gotten steadily and progressively more pronounced but he had what it took to survive though, him and Rick. The only one who had remained unafraid from the get go, was Harry. Even Merle had been scared although you'd never notice unless you knew him well enough, which of course he did, he was his brother after all. Who wouldn't be with what was happening, the dead coming back to eat you and turn you into one of them, it was the stuff of nightmares.

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