Chapter 71

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"Have you always been able to perform magic?" T-Dog was the first one to break the silence, he'd been wanting to ask this for days along with dozens of other questions. He'd never contemplated the idea that magic was actually real, that it actually existed. He'd always been a sceptic, especially around so called 'magicians' and their abilities, he'd assumed it was just cloak and dagger, illusions really. Now he was literally under some sort of spell that prevented any walker or human from seeing this place.

"I was born with the ability, yes, I've always been able to perform magic," Harry explained, not getting annoyed with the same question being asked after his explanation earlier. It would take them a long time to come to terms with magic as a reality. He'd been doing it accidentally since he was a child and even he'd been oblivious, but that might be because the Dursley's had made him feel ashamed of magic, made him think he was a freak of nature, an abomination. He knew he'd probably have to ask a million questions over the next few weeks, but they'd accepted it, that was what mattered really.

"What's it like?" Tyreese asked, awe plainly written across his face.

Harry stared thoughtfully at Tyreese, having no intentions of being completely honest like he had been with Daryl back when they were leaving the Quarry. They'd seen his struggle to control his magic, they knew the only time he walked away from a confrontation was because he was having trouble reigning it in. introducing magic into an equation by hurting them with magic would just be the quickest way to alienate them and make them fear him. "In what way?" he asked after a short pause, trying to think of a way to make non-magicals understand what it was like to have magic. Luna wouldn't be any better at describing it, although he was beginning to think they'd forgotten she could use magic as well...unless she'd endured all the questions while he'd been asleep.

Tyreese shrugged, "Using it I suppose?" it was more of another question than a statement.

Harry tapped his finger against his lips absently, his brow furrowed, "Having magic isn't all easy you know, I have problems just like everyone else. Although it's times like this I'm really glad to have it." he told Tyreese wondering if that was enough to sate his curiosity.

"Why didn't you do something like this right away?" Lori asked, seeing the look on the Dixon's and Luna's face she hasted to explain herself. "I don't mean it in a bad way, the outbreak had been going on for over two months when everyone came to the Quarry."

"I didn't think of it," Harry said honestly shrugging his shoulders, "I wasn't sure any spells would work on concealing us from the walkers, not even the Fidelius Charm, after settling in at the prison I decided to try it here, took a lot out of me but it worked, other than the walkers already on the inside none were able to get in the one problem though was I had no idea if it had worked until every single walker was destroyed." picking up the mirror, he gazed thoughtfully at it before using a spell causing the mirror to become larger until he was satisfied, "Hermione?" he called into the mirror, becoming distracted when Big Tiny questioned him.

"How did you manage that by the way? The buildings would have taken months, and you were never gone more than five hours, the majority of the time you brought back supplies." Big Tiny asked thoughtfully.

"HARRY!" was shrieked out causing everyone to jump in fright, looking around trying to figure out where the sound had come from. The Dixons just chuckled in amusement, denying that the very same thing had happened to them, although not quite to the same degree.

Harry turned the mirror around, spelling it to the wall with a semi-permanent sticking charm. Everyone gasped in shock seeing the woman in the mirror, she looked so real. Their eyes widened even further when it looked as though she could actually see all of them but surely that wasn't possible.

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