Chapter 36

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Harry gratefully plopped himself down in the area he was using for guard duty, the opening had been closed and now he was alone and he was almost tempted to sleep but Luna was right, he should get in touch. As if she had known what he would do, she had given him the box she and Hermione had used to deliver items back and forth. Which he had promptly stuck in his trunk and put in his pocket after being magically shrunk. They'd had a quick dinner, all of them too exhausted to really cook something, he'd need to go out and hunt though, before winter really set in, he wanted to have a few more cooked meals before that happened. By cooked meals he meant actual meals with cooked meat. Everyone had chosen a cell, except Daryl, who for some odd reason didn't want to sleep in one, and had claimed a sort of perch for a room. If he wasn't going to have a bed them Harry intended on getting that sofa bed up to the cell block so he had something decent to lie on.

Sighing resignedly, he opened his trunk and removed the box, as well as digging out the book he used to communicate with Hermione and the others. Stifling a yawn he stretched restlessly, trying to keep himself awake, he would need to find a way to keep everyone busy while he and Luna got the wards put up surrounding the prison that would keep them safe. Unfortunately without them knowing it meant they'd need to continue with 'watch duty' which was admittedly a waste of time with the wards he planned on having put up around the prison. He did constantly think of revealing it, but he was too worried, they weren't ready to face this world, Andrea had made that pretty damn clear, he didn't want to risk them leaving due to fear of what he could do. He knew what fear did to people, made them extremely irrational, despite the fact he would be their best chance of survival, and he wasn't saying that out of belief that he was superior to them, he just had an advantage, and if the magical world had focused on how to kill the walkers instead of fighting them then Obliviating the Muggles they would have too.

Transfiguring a small table, he placed it where it would be most beneficial to him, to see and write, opening the book, he blinked in surprise, and it said one sentence. 'Open the box' he hoped she meant the box Luna had given him, did she know he had it now or was she simply assuming they'd both be together for this? Shrugging his shoulders he did as Hermione asked, he'd just opened the box when he heard movement, freezing in shock, just about to shrink his trunk when he heard the distinctive clanging that Daryl's crossbow made when he was on the move and hitting metal. Still he had to be sure before whoever the hell it was got up, it could be Dale with a gun for all he knew, so he yanked open the trap door letting out a relived breath when he realized his original thought had been right, it was just Daryl.

"Fucking hell man," Harry grumbled, sliding it all the way up so the hunter could climb all the way up. Moving back to what he'd been doing just moments before; he looked back to the box, frowning in confusion, the mirror? Why would Hermione send him the mirror? Only one existed now, the other was had been in pieces since he was sixteen years old. Still, the thought of actually seeing her was tempting, so he slid it upright, and spoke, "Hermione?" wondering if it would work. It glowed blue briefly indicating it had worked, that it was in connection to a different mirror.

"It's a two way mirror," Harry explained for Daryl's benefit, "We'll be able to communicate instantly, like Skype or whatever it's called."

Daryl nodded with a grunt, letting Harry know he understood.

"HARRY!" Hermione shrieked, causing Harry and Daryl to wince at the tone and loudness of her voice.

"Merlin Mione, calm down," Harry winced.

"I can barely see you, where are you?" Hermione enquired after calming herself down, her hair bushy as ever, bags under her eyes showing she wasn't sleeping as much as she should, but he was pleased to see that she didn't look as though she'd lost any weight.

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