Chapter 54

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Harry flicked his finger lighting the candle which was placed inside the sink which he used as a little table. He scooted to the side of his bed, so he could lean against the wall, a little befuddled at this new turn of events. Although it could have something to do with the fact he was still half asleep, the candle let a little light glow around the room so he could make Daryl out. He glanced briefly at his watch as he yawned, it was rather late, but he had slept for four hours straight so he wasn't going to complain.

"I heard you talking to the kid," Daryl admitted, remaining standing, but his body radiated a tense energy.

"Alright," Harry said, but there was obviously more to it, Daryl obviously wanted to ask something, but Daryl was by nature quiet and he obviously didn't know how to ask the question so it was probably personal. "Sit down then and ask what you want to ask," it had evidently been playing on his mind for some time. Which didn't surprise him; both Dixons waited until they exploded with curiosity and just had to ask.

"What you said, was it true?" Daryl asked, but he already knew the answer to that, Harry didn't make a habit of fact he didn't lie full stop.

"Yes," Harry replied immediately, while he got himself comfortable, watching Daryl as closely as he was able considering there wasn't much light in the room. He wasn't surprised when Daryl did eventually sit down, there wasn't much room to manoeuvre around his double bed and the snake tank he kept covered under the sink. So he couldn't pace as he liked to do. Summoning his empty water bottle, he stuck his wand into the opening and refilled it before gulping the entire contents down, then repeated the process but handed over the filled bottle to Daryl.

"Luna said all the stories you've told Sophia are true," Daryl added after taking a long drink himself. Magically created water was better than anything else they could get, whether it was rainwater or filtered water from the river.

"Ah," Harry said finally understanding why Daryl had come. "Luna's right, she's even featured in the one I told Sophia about a while ago."

"You had to kill in self defence when you were eleven?" Daryl asked, his brow furrowed, he couldn't even begin to imagine what that had done to Harry. Seeing his house burn down with his mother in it had affected him, but that was a totally different scenario.

"My defence against the dark arts teacher," Harry informed him, his voice sounding far away as if he had reached through back in time. "I brought it on myself though, I had tried to tell a teacher what was happening, and my Head of House, but she just told me that the stone was safe. The stone was the Philosopher stone, it's the elixir of life, and it can make the drinker immortal and also turned any metal into pure gold."

"In a school?" Daryl was perplexed, why would they keep such a thing in a school.

Harry chuckled darkly, "It was removed from a high secure vault and put into Hogwarts, Dumbledore in all his wisdom decided to test me against my parent's killer. He got what he wanted, Voldemort had attached himself to the back of Quirrell, a willing possession...Quirrell the fucking fool that he is was drawn to Voldemort, swallowed his propaganda, the problem is that Quirrell couldn't touch me while Voldemort was possessing him, my mums protection extended beyond the grave, and made him unable to touch me. It literally burned him when he touched my skin, Voldemort began screaming to Quirrell to kill me, because I had the stone, I was able to get it when they could not. In the end it was kill or be killed, I grabbed a hold of Quirrell's face and held on. Voldemort fled when he realized he couldn't win, ripping himself from Quirrell just as he was reduced to a pile of ash, took a lot out of me, last thing I could remember before wakening up in the hospital wing."

"How'd you manage that?" Daryl asked only slightly amused that an eleven year old found something an adult couldn't.

"The stone was concealed in a mirror, to get it you had to want it but have no desire to use it otherwise it wouldn't appear for you. Despite my hatred for Dumbledore...I do have to admire the spell work that went into hiding it." Harry said wryly, but that wasn't strange, he had some admiration for some of Voldemort's spells and rituals, considering how hard it was to create them, and he knew that now, it made his admiration more profound.

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