Chapter 2

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3rd POV. One week after the Uchiha Clan Downfall. Demon Slayer Corps Headquarters, Ubuyashiki Estate.

The Ubuyashiki Estate, the Headquarters of the Demon Slayer Corps. The secret organization that fights the demons.

It is currently under the leadership of it's 97th Leader of the Demon Slayer Corps and the Current Head of the Ubuyashiki Family, Ubuyashiki Kagaya.

And now, a week after the incident that lead to the downfall of the Uchiha Clan.......

The demon slayer who saw the devastated village and the one who was asked to take care of Sasuke's secret box.......

He delivered it to the Master.

Demon Slayer: Oyakata-sama, this is what the sole survivor of the Uchiha Clan gave to us. I don't know what it is but........

Kagaya: Don't worry, I know what it is.

Demon Slayer: Really?

Kagaya: Hmm.......

Kagaya: The contents of this box.......

Kagaya: It will surely change the fate of the Demon Slayers in the near future.

Kagaya: After all, the contents of this box, witnessed the chance of defeating Kibutsuji.

Demon Slayer: Chance?

Kagaya: Yes. Until the time is right......I shall keep this box.

Kagaya: Until the sole survivor of the Uchiha Clan, Sasuke's little brother, comes here.........

Kagaya: This is a secret weapon among their clan, and I shall keep it here.

Demon Slayer: As you wish.

The Demon Slayer left the estate, leaving Kagaya alone, still contemplating about Sasuke's death.

Kagaya: seems like you entrusted everything to your brother.

Kagaya: No, not only just Sasuke......

Kagaya: Uchiha Madara, the great grandfather of Sasuke.......

Kagaya: The one who first awakened an unbelievable power.......and pushed Muzan back into the corner.

Kagaya: It's been years since the Demon Slayer began to gain the upper hand, in was during the beginning of the Meiji Era.

As the Master contemplates, a woman with white hair couldn't help but hear what the Master was talking about. She immediately sat beside the Master.

Kagaya: Amane......

Ubuyashiki Amane, the wife of Kagaya, also happened to hear what happened to the Uchiha.

Amane: I heard the news......what are we going to do.

Amane: One of our greatest allies has been wiped out........

Kagaya: We still have one last ray of hope........

Amane: Last ray of hope?

Kagaya taps the box.......

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