Chapter 57

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3rd POV. Infinity Castle.

After the conclusion of the battle against Upper Two, Doma.......

Sora, and the others took a break. They also began to discuss on how will they move from here on out.

Sora: We still can't navigate where Muzan is.

Sora: And the problem is that this fortress can literally shift dimensions over and over.

Kanae: Then, how are we going to locate him?

Sora: The crows have been doing that job.

Sora: But then, I guess it would be easier for us to find the demon that is responsible for controlling this castle.

Shinobu: You mean Muzan is not the one controlling this castle?

Sora: No. Muzan would be too busy recovering.

Sora: So......I believe our next priority should be the demon responsible in controlling this castle.

Sora: So, here's the plan.....

Sora: I'll locate the demon and then force that demon to dispel the castle and drag Muzan out of the open.

Sora: For now, Kanae, Shinobu. Go and find other demon slayers and support them.

Sora: We'll definitely need as much help as we can get. I'll also try the same.

Kanae: Will you be fine on your own?

Sora: Don't worry, I've survived so many times on my own.

Sora: I won't die that easily.

Kanae: .........

Sora: Now then.......

Sora decided to part ways with the group and continued on to navigate the castle.

Sora: Damn, this fortress is changing layouts constantly.

Sora: We're just lucky that the crows are still able to guide us.

He felt like he is navigating a long hallway, one without end.

Sora: As long as we're still inside the enemy's territory, we won't be able to drive Muzan into a corner.

Sora: I know I can just kill him but knowing how Amaterasu works, the Sharingan, the Breath of the Sun.......

Sora: All I have to do is to find his weakness.

Sora: The Sun is the only remaining method to kill, right? He resisted death by decapitation......

Sora: We don't even know how much time has passed since we all fell here.

Sora: Still, with two Upper Rank demons already dead......

Sora: Upper One is still a mystery to me. I haven't met him.

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