Chapter 7

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This time.........

This time around.........


I will protect them........

No matter what.......!

Whatever it takes!

Even if I have to defy destiny itself!


3rd POV. Outskirts of the village.

Sora who is currently agonizing in pain due to the overusage of his Sharingan.........

Sora: Damn it! What is this pain!? It's just like when I used the Susanoo for the first time!

Sora: My cells are screaming in pain!

Sora: Damn it, I thought I was already past this.......!?

Sora: Looks like I still have ways to improve.

Sora: But......!

Sora: I don't have the damn time thinking about it right now!

Sora: The village is in danger! I have to protect them!

Sora controlled his breathing and while doing that, he thought on how will he stop Doma at all costs.

He went back from all the information that he gathered from Doma's memories, on how he was cornered by Madara.

Eventually, Sora needs to be always ahead of Doma because Upper Two can gather information during the fight.

So what he had to do is, to finish the fight early.

Sora: I have to finish the fight early. Now that his neck is so damn hard to cut........I need to find a way to wear down him down.

Sora: Stalling for time won't work........

Sora: If I take the fight for too long, then he would've been able to kill me.

Sora: I really wish I inherited nii-san's Amaterasu.

Sora: But I can't be picky........I have to use everything in my disposal.

Sora closed his eyes for a second and went to use Total Concentration Breathing.

Sora: Total Concentration Breathing........

He opened his eyes and activated his Sharingan which glowed bright red.

Sora: All right, time to get serious. I have a bitch to kill.

Sora immediately disappeared from his spot and went towards the village.

Meanwhile, Kanae is currently holding her own against Doma.

The Flower and the Pinwheel (Kanae x Uchiha OC)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat